Magi watched as wonder boy dismantled the mech suit. He was quiet impress by the boy. Although he was fun and games most of the time, when he really put his mind to it he could be a great person. But then as he sat down and ate the chicken, the image just shatters. Magi began to feel moist and then he remembered he was soaked to the bone because of the sprinklers. He hated getting his suites dirty and was a OCD freak about them staying clean."FFo Yrd." The spell dried him off immediate and he felt good and sane again. "I feel bad for the owner, I mean we could have at least ate first." Magi said as he looked around the destroyed restaurant. Lobo caught us off guard when he attacked Rose and Amazon. Lobo began firing shots at the team and Magi and to think fast. "Dlief Ecrof." He made a circle shape with his wand and it created a force field that shielded him from the bullets. He didn't know who was behind him but he would give them comer anyways. When Lobo was disarmed by Rose and Amazon came in to defend her, he saw Accelerate with Sentinel and then in an instant he dashed off and dropped grenades by Lobo's feet. The dust that came after blocked Lobo's vision and Magi looked over to the Kryptonian. "Now is your chance to go and get him." [@FacePunch]