[center][h2]NPC Characters[/h2][/center] [hr] [hider=Steven Callahan] [center][img]http://tn.new.fishki.net/26/upload/post/201410/10/1314100/l_fdf23fcf455a404fb815badfbd224db2.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] The current President of the United States of America, Steven Callahan is called by many humans the leader humanity needs. Callahan, due to the chaos of the Gifted threat, was able to quickly gain favor by taking advantage of the people's mindset. Once he was elected as president, his administration created propoganda to convince the populous that despite The Promise Hand's destruction that the Gifted were still a threat to mankind. As a result he was able to break the two term standard and establish his regime. The USA is no longer a democratic republic, but now a monarchy with the term "President" being used to disguise the fact that Callahan is king. [/hider] [hider=Mallory Woods] [img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/138132684/large.jpg[/img] [hr] Originally a DMA scientist, Mallory has been there since the beginning. Originally in the the R&D department for gifted weapons applications. Originally her intentions were good but after "The London Incident" Mallory began to see Gifted in another light. With the formation of the Warden Program, Mallory oversaw the training of Wardens but she didnt see them as people but as soldiers. Tools to combat The Promise Hand, she trained her recruits hard and they were effective. When the procedure for Warden recruit acquisition changed, Mallory put her time in R&D to work. She experimented on the future Wardens, the first generation were a failure but with time she perfected the Warden Program. Now she heads the New York branch of the DMA and her time in the Warden Program is no more. Now she merely recieves updates on the status of the Wardens but in Pariah's case she keep special tabs on. There have also been rumors of a new project Mallory has been working on but no official reports have been released to the public. Even the DMA only knows fragments of the whole story as the most Mallory has told them is, "The Wardens were the first half. When I finish what I'm doing the metahumans will have nowhere to hide". [/hider] [hider=Agent Noore] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lfD7QPi_7OQ/UJxRFHe4n0I/AAAAAAAAAlI/kmSUCHbUtnQ/s1600/anime-girl-hd-fondos-de-descarga-245413.jpg[/img] [hr] Not as serious as one would expect a former agent of the DMA to be. Amanda Noore is a former intelligence analyst for the Department of Metahuman Affairs. While not the bravest of her former constituents she does have a superb talent for electronics and information acquisition. Noore has been known to be rather overly casual most of the time but she gets her work done. [/hider]