[i]You don't remember what you were doing yesterday but now you woken up on a big beach..infact not just a beach. a Island. in the middle of nowhere, Wonderful.[/i] [hider=The plot so far]Basically what the first sentence says is the entire RP. Oh also you can be any character from any show/book/movie/whatever[/hider] [hider=Da rulez]1 Have fun. 2 No op characters. I will decide whats OP and not OP. 3 Superman is a amazing example of OP 4 No killing without consent from both sides. (You and your vicitim) 5 you can get yourself killed though. 6 No erotic role play. keep that stuff on the 1X1 RP's. Kissing is fine but anything past that is a big no no. 7 decnt gamr Plox 8 No mary sueism. 9 Even if the character itself is a mary sue. no sues. 10 I am the GM. My word is law (I AM THE LAW!) 11 No OOC Drama 12 Have fun. OR ELSE[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet]Appearance Inspiring quote or something. Name: Universe (if your character is a OC just say OC) Original creator Personality (No skipping) long bio (Not optional.) Equipment Skills Age Gender Other[/hider] [hider=Our glorious cast]Hipster=Sayaka Miki from Madoka Crow=Indominus Rex from Jurassic world eemmtt=Count Valdra Helcrest from Endless legends eemmtt again=Jericus Ignace a OC from warhammer 40k Blackmist16=Deadpool Exlispe=Dark link Darklord99=Madara from Naruto[/hider]