Srath closed the cargo bay ramp as the last of the crates were loaded, he made his way around the crates, pulling and tightening straps that held the boxes in place. He began making his way through the 60 meter ship, throwing the envelope Ailen had given him into his quarters as he passed them. Pressing a quick code into a panel the blast door to the bridge opened. Srath sat in the captain chair and began the startup sequence, the consoles on the bridge lit up and a quite hum from the engines could be heard vibrating through the ship. He moved to the pilot station, opening the flight path to the valley that would conceal his final approach to the Brax’Na village. Tapping a few more controls he hailed the towers planetary flight control room. "Tower flight control this is N-16C, requesting takeoff from docking bay 12." Srath waited for a reply, a minute later a bored female voice responded. "N-16C please transmit your flight plan." Srath tapped the console and sent the coordinates of the valley. Srath waited for another few minutes, claws tapping on the armrest of the pilot seat. Finally the bored voice returned. "N-16C you are cleared for takeoff." "Thank you tower." With that Srath brought the ship into hover, stowing the landing struts, and turned to the opened hangar doors. Bringing the throttle up he moved slowly out the hangar into the open sky. Turing once more he pointed the ship to the valley and set the auto-pilot, the ship accelerating to the destination. With the ship on its way Srath made his way back to the cargo hold. Pulling a tool from a locker he moved a couple of crates to expose a deck plate. Unbolting it he lifted it to reveal a mobile NAV. COMM. transmitter that replicated the signal from the built into his ship. He pulled the heavy the suitcase sized device from its hiding place and replaced the panel, bolting it back in place. With that done he made his way back to the bridge. After about ten minutes of flying he felt the ship decelerate as he arrived at the valley. He felt the ship land as he was entering the cargo bay, the ship jolting slightly as it contacted the ground. Opening the cargo door he carried out the device, turning on the power. It wasn't broadcasting yet, waiting for a command to be sent to it from the bridge. Once in the captains chair he simultaneously deactivated the ships NAV. COMM. and activated the decoy. For the final run he deactivate any external scanners that could be detected and flew by sight into the valley that brought him to the drop zone a few miles from the Brax’Na village. Weaving his way through the mountains it took twenty to come within range of the drop site. Hovering in the valley he sent a transmission of two beeps over a short range frequency. Almost immediately he received a signal of two beeps and a solid tone that lasted a second, the confirmation signal. With that he flew out of the valley, still flying close to the ground as he arrived at the drop site. He could see a dozen or so figures, Brax’Na, with horses and wagons for transporting the crates. "Time to deliver the presents to all the good little boys and girls." He chuckled to himself as he brought the ship in for a landing.