[center] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/463e/i/2013/311/e/7/pokemon_by_xiaolinfun456-d6tchj7.jpg[/img] The one with blonde hair, ignore the black hair girl… I drew this a long time ago. [color=00a651][b]“It takes time for me to get a hang of things but when I do get ready for it!”[/b][/color] [color=00a651]Name:[/color] Ryiler Kenneth Waiker (Ryi) [color=00a651]Age:[/color]16 Gender: Male (kind of looks like a girl in some ways) [color=00a651]Height/Weight:[/color] 5’8, 116lb [color=00a651]Personality: [/color]Ryi is a bold one, he is out there, proud, strong and c0nfident in himself. A bit to confident in some occasions but he has a good heart. Even though he is confident he is humble, he lets people take there time and help them as well; he is also very family oriented as he has a little sister and a twin brother as well. A bit flirty with the guys though but it only shows the can trust them if he flirts with them. Living in a farm he grown to…wrestle with pokemon time to time, he has that thrill to run up to a pokemon and end up wrangling it just for fun. He does end up hurt but it’s all-just for fun and have a good laugh. He listens to his heart and he believes that whatever he feels he must go with it. At first you might think he is a sweet kind and kind of a dainty guy but never get on his bad side, he can really hurt you, he can kick hard as a Hitmonlee if you mess with him. Then let the cute and innocent face fool you. He was insecure before because people made fun of him for his looks but he had a friend that made him believe that he can do whatever he want and be proud of it. [color=00a651]History:[/color] He came from the Johto region; his family was a bunch of Miltank farmers and lived a peaceful live. He had a twin brother names Seth, he was the shy one and Ryiler was always the one heading out and having fun. They were two peas in a pod though opposites it seemed like it was impossible to see them separated. They were really close and nothing could tear them apart. His dad though moved to the Kalos region for a new business dream when they were 12 while his mom was pregnant with their little sister named Alice. Things were good…until their left for no reason and his mom had to work for the both of them. Seth his twin distance himself form him and even started to make dun of him with other kids. He grew really lonely and sad until meeting a girl names Remma (Black hair girl) Once he met her he was dedicated to her…she saved him from loneliness and he felt like he had a friends again. They were best friends, Remma was a blind girl living in hard times yet somehow she smiled and help him through his hard times. He made him belive he could do anything and he could reach for the stars. Remma left though, after an incident with her brother Remma left saying she needed to find herself with her Ninetales and Bulbasaur but she would see him again, they promised to meet once he start his own adventures and explore Kalos. With a pinky promise he watch Remma leave, he kept his promise until he was ready to leave. His mom was worried for his sake because his brother left without saying a word. He promised he would be fine and he will try to find Seth as well. Somehow along the way he met a Beautifly and they bonded quickly with some berries he had…he named her Remma out his best friend and there he went towards his dreams. [color=00a651]Dream/Goal:[/color] To be a famous pokemon musician with his future team, he loves music and wants to spread the world his love for it with his pokemon friends. To meet up with his best friend again and fins his twin brother. [color=00a651]Preffered Starter:[/color] Chespin [hider=Pokemon Team] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/7b82/th/pre/i/2014/087/9/2/my_favorite_grass_type_2014__chespin_by_generalgibby-d7bza11.png[/img] Chespin [img]http://pldh.net/media/dreamworld/267.png[/img] Beautifly Level: 13 Nature: Calm Ability: Rivarly Gender: Female Move set: Gust, Absorb, Sunny day, String shot [/hider] [color=00a651]Other:[/color] He can bake, play the guitar and write songs when he has the free time. [/center]