[centre]Indominus Rex [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150616165316/jurassicpark/images/9/96/Indominus_Rex_New.png[/img] [i]"Rrrraaarggghhh!"[/i] Universe: Jurassic Park Universe Personality: The Indominus Rex is a very dangerous dinosaur. She has been stated to 'kill for sport', implying that she is a naturally violent individual, and will attack anything on sight. However, her Raptor DNA allows her to have a level of intellect, capable of being crafty. She is very territorial, and once she claims a territory, she will brutalise anyone who would dare step into it. The species itself is shown to eat their own kind. Imagine what this big reptile could do to you! Short bio: The Indominus Rex is a synthetic species born from the spliced genes of many dinosaurs and many modern animals. It was intended to be an attraction in the theme park Jurrasic World. However, many things happened, such as going on rampages and causing containment breaches, bringing the whole park into utter chaos. Much later, the Untamable King's reign of terror was ultimately halted. She was thought to have died, but... Equipment: She's an animal. What do you expect? Skills: She is a natural hunter. It's in her DNA. She has various animal traits, such as the Tree Frog's ability to alter gender, and a cuttlefish's ability to alter its heat signature. Her very genes can grant her other traits, such as communicating with other dinosaurs or even other animals. Her teeth and claws are so strong, they crack through tough fibre glass with ease. She's essentially bulletproof. Aim for the usual weak spots. Age: Unspecified Gender: Female, but can change due to Tree Frog DNA. Other: None for the time being.[/centre]