[quote=@Mahz] I think it looks cool. The guild's styling would need some tweaks of course like translucency/transparency on backgrounds and strokes on text. It's not a feature I'm against implementing, I'd just let people opt-out. Though I'm afraid your taste in good-looking, high-resolution backgrounds makes the idea possibly more palatable than it might be in reality. For a taste, can you create a mockup that stretches this small shitty image? [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/spa/quq37nq1583x0lf/fo13mbj2.png[/img] :lol [/quote] I'd go ahead and do that, but he already has a template; regardless, you'd end up with a lot of white on top with a stretched anime chick. It wouldn't look like death, but it wouldn't look good at all, either; when that situation arises, it's important for GMs to have enough artistic taste to say "Wow, this looks horrible" and then find another one or turn it off, instead of subjecting themselves and the other RPers to it. [quote=@NuttsnBolts] Comes down to individual taste. Some people may like a bit of creative design in the background, while other prefer the clean look. As long as it can be turned on and off, there's no major issue. With the images however and something to note is that there would have to be work done in order to obtain copyright licencing, or permission to use. [/quote] You wouldn't run into copyright issues, just as you don't with profile pictures. It's considered "fair use."