It's been years. Years since the last war for the Holy Grail concluded in Fuyuki City. Years since the final combatant fell, and the war concluded in the destruction of the Grail itself. And the remnants, too, were dismantled, cast apart by a former participant. Indeed, the Fuyuki Holy Grail has been utterly annihilated, no longer to be of any use. And yet... Some of the components remained. The allure of a wish-granting artifact that could be used to obtain the Root of all Knowledge proved itself to be too great. The scattered fragments of the Holy Grail were assembled, rituals and replications of previous techniques were used to attempt to piece them together. And yet, they could never fully recreate the Grail that had been created by the Einzberns. But with the fragments they had collected, with the pieces that had been recovered and recreated, they were able to produce a copy, a replica of the original Grail. A hacked together, improvised system that was not fully tested nor fully explored, but a replica of the original nevertheless. This creation, this new Holy Grail, this copy of the original, was placed in the coastal United States town of Redrock. Named for the reddish stone jutting up from its beaches, the town is not known for any kind of unusual activity. And yet it happens to be the location of one of the highest concentrations of leylines in the United States. Far from Japan, there was no way for the participants of the last War to attempt to interfere if they so chose. At least, as far as the creators of this new Grail were concerned.. A variety of interests converge now, on Redrock. The Mage Association, suspicious and yet intrigued by the revival of the failed ritual. The Church, desiring once again to see if this truly is a recreation of a holy relic. They have even dispatched one of their most potent Executors as an overseer. An overseer for a new Holy Grail War. --- The town of Redrock is a sleepy, peaceful town. While it is not rural, far from it, it is not an immense city. It shares many similarities, in fact, with the small city of Fuyuki that the war once occurred in. It possesses its own attractions, including the Redrock Amusement Park and the ancient catacombs dating back to the birth of the United States. It would do well for the participants in this new war to gain experience with their surroundings. --- So... a Fate RP! The above introduction should probably have covered setting well enough, but I'm going to lay down some quick ground rules before I go further. [b]No Servants Older than Gilgamesh[/b] [list][*]He's the king of heroes for a reason, the most powerful Servant is also the oldest.[/list] [b]No Servants from 1900 or later[/b] [list][*]Known rule of the setting, even if I do think there's some cool candidates from beyond then. Sadly, Simo Hayha will never qualify for anything but perhaps the most far-flung future Grail Wars.[/list] [b]No Servants with more then three Noble Phantasms[/b] [list][*]Isn't that enough? Most have one or two. More crosses into far too much power.[/list] [b]Unlimited Servant Works![/b] [list][*]Due to the flawed Grail, it just can't stop summoning. Multiple Servants of each class can be summoned, and we're not limited to only seven.[/list] [b]Servant bios are PRIVATE[/b] [list][*]I want all Servant bios to be PMed to me. Myself and another party will judge the bios there. This is purely for fun, since Servant identities are meant to be kept secret as possible, and if it doesn't work out then Servant bios will be posted publicly.[/list] [b]Please sign up with both a Servant and a Master[/b] [list][*]This hurts the last point a little, but ensures there is balance in numbers. Don't worry, you won't be playing with yourself. Pairs will be arranged between players, or I can pair people if they're stuck.[/list] [b]If you get yourself into a situation where your character may be killed, I'm sorry[/b] [list][*]The premise of this RP guarantees that Servants will be dying. And if your Master messes up, they're at risk too. However, Servants at least are all famous figures from the past, and shouldn't go down easily.[/list] [b]No reality marbles[/b] [list][*]These are super-rare. Exceptions MAY be made but it's unlikely.[/list] [b]Have fun![/b] [list][*]That's what this RP is here for. Follow standard RP etiquette and my guidelines, and you should have no problem.[/list] --- Bios: Masters: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Skills: Abilities: Brief Backstory: Servants: Name: Class: Appearance: Personality: Stats: [list] [*]Strength: E-A(Modifiers are often caused by skills and should be covered in those skills) [*]Endurance: E-A [*]Agility: E-A [*]Mana: E-A [*]Luck: E-A [*]Noble Phantasm: [/list] Class Skills: Personal Skills: Noble Phantasm(s): [list] [*]Name: [*]Rank: (Any Noble Phantasm with a rank higher than A will be highly scrutinized) [*]Type: (Anti-Unit, Anti-Army, Anti-Fortress) [*]Appearance: [*]Effects: [/list] Alignment: Changes: (This section is purely for things such as genderbending. If you make a male historical or mythological figure female, I want an explanation for it)