[hider] Name: Ninty Bat Appearance: [hider] [img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/a85c3b12902aaaef3f4e3124fb5ac9ac/tumblr_nr71qvfwT81r8pok9o1_540.jpg[/img] [/hider] Standing at 6ft7 Ninty enjoys curly red hair, well kept skin with cheeks slightly too red without makeup, and stunning blue eyes. Although her nose never quite healed right from that fight with a 'Meat Stealer' and it's not likely that one can regrow teeth. A big fan of dresses and skirts she loves her show-time dress; a cream colour short dress with wavy beads at the bottom, thin brown fingerless gloves and course her necklace and bracelet are mostly preal pearls. Kayblade [hider] [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/3ad0/f/2012/121/3/b/keyblade___beat_breaker___by_zidanelv60-d46272p.jpg[/img] [/hider] Bio: The little Elf grew up in Brazen, a fairly young city having been establish almost two millennia ago (average Elf life span approx. 90 years) she was exposed to the many different cultures that filtered through the city from its ports. This brought many different spices, languages, fabrics and Ninty’s favourite; music. When not at school or hiding from the House Maid for sneaking another rat into the house Ninty would be found down at the docks singing and dancing with the many immigrants who had fled to the county (their own being torn up by the wars that raged ironically because of the Government of the very country they were now fleeing to). Of course she also learnt how to fight as well against not only the other kids but the ever horrifying 'Meat Stealers' who would take children to who knew where to do who knew what to them. Now this was of course a very un-fitting thing for a child and heir of the very best Cigar company in the country. But of course even with her parent resolutely forbidding her to go down to the Docks Ninty would do so anyway until one day her parents simply decided that she wouldn’t be the heir, nine months later Ninty’s younger Brother Bronwin was born. Surprisingly this worked out brilliant for everyone involved, apart from the Maid who soon had to become accustom to ‘Those immigrating scoundrels’ and Ninty (‘That Ruffian’) practicing in the kitchen. Fast Forward 20 years and Ninty and her Band now perform regularly, mostly for their next meal and warm bed, in pubs, inns and hotels around the country. Plus Bronwin is nearly old enough to inherit the company, with some revolutionary ideas that he has yet to inform his parents about. The Maid sadly passed away due to a stress related illness. It was supposed to be their big break, their very best performance at the Balton Arms. They’d even managed to get some agent from one of the record labels to watch them and possibly sign them on. The scene was set, the lime light setting stars in their eyes and their future grew brighter as they sang. And then someone started screaming and soon enough Ninty found herself tearing down the high street, high heels left somewhere behind, and darkness pulling apart the buildings beside her. Age: 49 Skills: Singing and playing the guitar are Nintys marketable skills which have often come in handy to get her a bed and some food. Other than that she can cook, barter and punch her way through most problems though for something more complex maybe ask someone else. But despite this she does have impressive business sense and an understanding of how to get what she wants for the cheapest price. Personality: Loud and brash, if Ninty doesn’t like something you are bound to know about it, more likely sooner than later, and if you even dare to forbid her from doing something it will only make her more likely to do that thing out of sheer spite if anything. Of course she’s not so stubborn as to ignore things that her fault, but she may need reminding with a good punch to the face. World Sheet Name: Asprey Summary of History: A small world once ruled by Gods whose magic energies would constantly tear up the earth they ruled and force the many sentient creatures to change shape, which in term created hundreds of races. But as time went on these race grew irksome of the oppressive power of the Gods and after many years were finally able to forge weapons to destroy them; a Quill to bind the mind, a Torch to burn the soul and a Dagger to destroy the flesh. Now while many of the Gods fled the world in fear many of others stayed only to be destroyed by the weapons until only one remained which ore itself into several smaller less powerful gods to escape death. With the Gods gone almost all the sentient races died out leaving only what we would define as the classic fantasy races to rule the planet. The Several gods then became the most powerful beings on the planet rulling over The Past, The Future, War, Peace, Life and Death. Excess magic energy also gave birth to less powerful beings known as Dieties who represented Art, Drudgery, Freedom, Tyranny, Aspiration and Dellusion. Together the Gods and Deities kept balance over the world but their power was fuelled by the belief of the inhabitants in them which was in turn powered by the magical energy the Gods and Deities had. The a plague swept over the world decimating the population and while each of the races receded in fear to their respective strong holds but sadly it was too late. The great Dwarven Mines became tombs, the cities of Man became crumbling monuments, the Halfling towns became those of the dead and the forests of Elves turned white covered in bones. Only a few of the Elvish cities were able to last, holding themselves in for almost a generation before deciding it to be safe enough to explore the outside world and claim it as their own. Sadly the damage had been done. The population had fallen so fast and the Gods, seeing the mortals simply as interesting play things, had been forced into a deep sleep with so little power. Last to sleep had been the Lady of the Past and with her the last traces of magic vanished from the world. With magic rapidly growing weaker and many of the magical charms in place the Elves and few remaining Humans had to quickly adapt and technology flourished and within 10 millennia the world had become what it is now. Important Nations: Varne, Brazen, Clorest, Hafle-wing Overall Technology Level: Low to medium, think 1920’s [/hider]