[h1]Executioner[/h1] Executioner's reaction is almost instinctive, 'remind you' he mutters, summoning an overbearing SRM to his shoulder with an intense flash of blue light. Time slows down as the Ashen Mandrake weighs his chances against this creature, the SRM's HEAT missile has a minimal range of ten meters; and the she beast was already too close. Rather than risk losing an eye to shrapnel, the lone Executor chooses to jump away, farther down the aisle, which rewards him with more range - but Therana's horror clips his hip, breaking the bone in several places. The Mandrake barrels down the aisle, holding both the SRM launcher, and the shotgun, he fires several haphazard shells in midair, and he barely manages to catch himself on the dimly checkered floor beneath him when he lands near the front entrance; fifteen meters away. He winces, and falls on a knee when the shock of the impact spreads up his leg, and into his broken hip. He raises his SPAS, and fires off three more rounds from his left hand - this time with heightened accuracy - in order to draw out Therana's defensive horror, and prepares the SRM with his right. ____________________ [@Sublimation]