Wallas looked on with widened eyes, he stepped into the small clearing which housed the large tree and revalled something he had heard previously. His bestiary now sat in his hands as he flicked through the pages of his own hand writing, his gaze came to rest on a page with the words. [I]~~~RUMOURS & FOLKLORE~~~[/I] Emblazoned on its face, he turned the page. He skimmed the pages until he found the section he was looking for and spoke up. [B]"It would seem that there are some who believe a... Witch, of sorts, Dwells in a large tree in one of the forests on this continent... it seems to me that this could very well be that very same tree."[/b] He informed. He continued to read on. [B]"Now it is believed that this creature is not hostile, but will attack if provoked. It is said that one can expect many confusing riddles and puzzles from such a creature... of course this creature was only ever a tale spilled from the lips of one and kept in the minds of many, but nevertheless, here we are. Who's to truly know what its like, IF indeed it exists... We must proceed with caution."[/B] Wallas closed his large book and placed it back in his pack, he stepped a foot closer to the tree and his whole head raised as he struggled to see the tree in its glory, towering over him.