[quote=@Ellri] the pessimist in us says this: Even if 99.9% of players don't break with what is appropriate, that last 0.1% can still be more than enough to make a mess, say for example if that adSense thing reacts to images too. [/quote] Then why has that .1% not already gotten us in trouble with the power to put up images? Your argument would be completely [i]perfect[/i] under different circumstances, but I believe the community has long-since proven itself, as we don't have many people uploading inappropriate content. Furthermore, even if that was the case, adSense rarely cancels sponsorship over a handful of offenses. If it did, we would already have lost it 100 more times since guildfall Furthermore furthermore, if people can edit these templates, what is to stop them from making inappropriate images out of tbose? Does any of this make sense? I'm not super-smart, and I am not very good at explaining things :lol EDIT: [quote=@LegendBegins] As a speaker always in favor of the user, I don't believe there are sufficient methods to abuse the system to warrant cutting it altogether. [/quote] I agree. This is what I am trying to say, with all my weird, insane arguments :lol