[quote=@Ellri] Perhaps. We're in part arguing here as the Devils' Advocate. Nothing will stop people from abusing such a template. What will stop such abuse is the review process before such image is accepted. Seeing how it would not only be impractical to have Mahz decide everything, we imagine such could be done by a select group of players. (no idea what would be the parameters for said group) But the argument above about it not having been abused on images so far is strong. We're just making sure all possible eventualities of problem are covered. [/quote] Fair enough. Truce, then... [i]...for now[/i] Also, what about a mix of the two ideas? There is no template, BUT you must still have a theme pre-approved. I don't really like it, but it may out the fear of abuse out of mind [hr] XD I love how much thought we're putting into this idea that Mahz hasn't even agreed to. :newlol