climbing out of the water, panting as he felt the burn in his chest and lungs he smirked, waiting for her to get back. "hey, dont talk down about yourself, you did good, you kept up with me there, even for a cheater" he winked as he helped her up onto the pier of the old boathouse, it wasnt used much for boats but some locals at one point installed a diving board, so it was widly used during the summers. he leaned down gladly, returning the kiss as his hands wrapped around her body, caressing before he pulled back. "you want to jump first?" he asked, always giving her the option to go first if she wanted. the diving board was his domain, he was always pulling off some crazy stunts, and he held the record for the only one to dive off and swim to the bottom of the lake in one breath, though the coming back up had been a strain, his lungs had burned like fire.