[b]"Understood. If you really need to eat a lot more, I can always foot the bill."[/b] Haas said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a somewhat smashed up box of cigarettes, taking one, he quickly realized where he was and put them back, for the sake of the children. Smoking's bad, kiddoes. Regardless, he quickly stood up, after he let a slight chuckle out at the bit about drinking. [b]"Well, I suppose its not for some people. Just make sure you don't get so drunk you can't see straight, alright? And, we'll find a place to stay after we eat, sure."[/b] he said heading for the restroom. [b]"I'll be right back."[/b] Making his way to the restroom, Mesman quickly ran the water from the sink cold, forming a bowl with his hands, and splashing a good bit of it onto his face and eyes, helping him to wake up just a bit. [i]"Keep it together Haas...you're a magus, you can handle this. Even if you never expected it, you're in the fight of your life already..."[/i] he thought, groaning as he rubbed his jawline. [b]"Damn, can already feel the hair coming back."[/b] he said, in a hushed tone. Washing his hands after he was done urinating in the toilet, Mesman walked back out, looking bit less like he'd just been dragged across a country and throw onto the floor, a bit of cloth from the inside of his jacket wrapped around his right hand. [b]"I'd like to ask you some questions on how you've been Sis, but, you know, don't know who might be listening."[/b] he said, casting a weary look towards the door. [i]"I'm a fool...if someone comes in and tries to start a fight, the lady and kids are gonna get caught in the crossfire. We need to go, right away."[/i] Thinking back on it, Mesman fucking hated his lack of proper eyesight, since he could hardly even make out what the other masters looked like. All he really remembered was how the servants looked, and that was because people in heavy armor with swords, crowns, cleavage, and masks on stuck out like sore thumbs.