[color=goldenrod]"If I measured them, by your standards... I think, I am qualified for an A-cup, and yes, it's natural,"[/color] Archer says. [color=goldenrod]"Truth be told, I do not intend to uphold my diet. Wine has... many uses,"[/color] she says. [color=goldenrod]"In time of battle..."[/color] she leaned in, lowering her voice a touch or two, [color=goldenrod]"[i]I've found it makes a quick fire.[/i]"[/color] Archer didn't want to fight here. A pitcher of wine would be a quick flame, and a quick flame could be a great fire indoors, and a great fire indoors made for a, possibly, great escape. If worst came to worst, she could start a fire, and set her and Haas towards the back. Judging from Haas's refreshed look, there was a washing room, and that meant windows to escape out of. [color=goldenrod]"Hopefully, our food is soon..."[/color]