[quote=@VATROU] [@shadowkiller912]What other things do you think we might need as rules go? [/quote] We should follow what village said on NRP's. [@Vilageidiotx] Along with that implement a rule for minimum post rule to be five to ten paragraphs. That way RPers would be forced to write out a detailed storied post like in Precipice instead short simple posts like for example "Alaska executes new monetary policy." [quote] [b]For a good nation RP, you have to break the tendency for people to think of the nations themselves as the characters.[/b] People do that and yeh, they'll RP like they are writing an AAR for Civ or EU. You gotta break them of that, and teach them to [b]build their stories from the ground up by focusing on the individuals that make up the nation.[/b] [b]Don't imagine cultures as CIA fact book stats, imagine them as individuals going through their lives. The government is the leaders and their personalities, the military is another culture of individuals with their own sets of challenges, etc etc.[/b] [b]It's best if you allow things to grow organically. Don't try to GM the RP using artificial tricks, just enforce some reasonable behavior. It's better to enforce realism within the world you are creating rather than creating barriers to power and access that might end up smothering the RP instead. The Big nations will be bogged down in logistics while the lesser ones are constrained by resources. Enforcing these sorts of things won't kill combat and action, but rather will keep it focused so that storytelling can blossom. [/b] [/quote] Other than that, having a current lack of RPers in beth hampers our NRP revival chances. We could start an INT check and implement what village said just to see if the others are willing to go for another shot at an NRP.