[hider=Natalie Woods]Name: Natalie Woods Nickname: None yet Age: 21 Appearance: http://hq.ellf.ru/2006/06/hq/2006-06-16-Alyson.Michalka.HQ.1.jpg Gender: Female Powers: X-Gene: Metamorph: Can psionically alter the formation of her biological cells at will. As a result she can cause herself to look and sound like an exact duplicate of any human, humanoid, or semi-humanoid being of either sex, wearing virtually any kind of clothing. Her control is so exact that she can precisely duplicate another person's retina pattern in her own eyes, finger, palm and skin-pore patterns on her own hands and skin, and vocal cords to match voices to the point of corresponding voice prints. While she can make herself look exactly like a person who is physically bigger than herself, she will not weigh as much as the real person does. Although she can maintain the form of a person of her height, weight, and build indefinitely, the longer that she maintains the form of a person physically bigger than herself, the greater the strain she feels. Super Soldier Serum/Artificially enhanced physiology: Peak Human Strength: Her physical strength is at the peak level of natural physical limits of a woman of her height, weight and build. She is capable of lifting up to 500 lbs. Peak Human Speed: She can run at speeds of up to approximately 48 kilometers per hour (30 miles per hour) or higher, and has run a mile (1.6 km) in 73 seconds (49 mph/78 kph). When under duress she can run a mile in just over a minute (60 mph). Peak Human Durability: Her bones and muscles are denser and harder and so are amplified to the highest human potential, which makes her very durable compared to a normal human. Super Human Agility: Natasha's natural agility is heightened to a level greater than that of an Olympic gold medalist. She can coordinate her body with balance, flexibility, and dexterity easily. Peak Human Reflexes: Her reflexes border on superhuman level. Her reaction speed is 20 kph, which makes it possible for her to dodge gunfire even in point blank range from multiple gunners at the same time. Peak Human Stamina: Her body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in her muscles, granting her exceptional endurance and lung capacity. She can exert herself at peak capacity for an hour without any rest and before showing any signs of fatigue. Peak Human Healing: Her healing speed and efficiency is at the highest limits of human potential, which means she can heal faster than most humans. The white blood cells (WBCs) and the SSS in his body are efficient enough to fight off any microbe, foreign body and others from her body keeping her healthy and immune to most if not all infections, diseases and disorders, also she cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, or impurities in the air and is immune to terrestrial diseases. She is also highly resistant to hypnosis or gases that could affect her focus. Peak Human Mental Process: Her mental performance has been greatly enhanced, allowing her mind to operate in the most efficient and rapid manner possible. One manifestation of this is her tactical genius; the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. She also possesses an eidetic memory, meaning that she never forgets anything and has perfect recall. This enables her to remember any movement and military tactic and apply it to any situation. Peak Human Senses: Her five senses are enhanced and function at the peak of human perfection. Peak Human Longevity: The SSS dramatically slows her aging due to extensively healthy cells. Skills: Hand to hand combat, efficiently murder Rap sheet: none Personality: [hider=The original personality]Natalie Woods - completely suppressed: Natalie is a stunningly confident, assertive, bold, and courageous woman. Natalie speaks her mind no matter what. Natalie is not one to hold a grudge. Natalie refuses to allow herself to be tied down and quickly rotates between relationships. She would quickly end a relationship when she became disappointed with their failure to conform to her standards. Though strong and independent, she could become insecure about her ability to handle what she was dealt in life, which prompted her to seek support from others. When she was not able to get the support she needed or sought, she would continue her downward spiral by questioning herself and reflecting on what she believed may have led her to the way she felt.[/hider] [hider=The animal personality]No human name - active: All actions come from the ruthless will to survive. Due to being abused and experimented upon, the animal has felt nothing but rage for as long as it can remember, it's mental state has been regularly pushed to its limits. It is a true survivor doing whatever it must to survive and will kill anyone who tries to kill it or take its freedom. It is not one to kill those it does not view as a threat to itself. It has a low opinion of itself, despite valuing its continued existence.[/hider] History: During World War II an American teenage boy with photographic memory unknowingly spied on the creation of the Super Soldier Serum for the Germans. He eventually realized the truth and went into hiding. He was eventually captured by the MRD and tortured into giving up the formula for the serum. Once his usefulness was at an end he was executed, his memory was the result of his mutation. Natalie was adopted by a member of the MRD, for years it was drilled into her that mutants were disgusting, horrible menace that has to be eradicated no matter the cost. Around the age of nineteen she was injected with the Super Soldier Serum. Once they successfully turned her into a super soldier they tortured her, tested her limits; they ran every conceivable test and simulation to make her the perfect soldier to fight the mutant menace. After years of their torture and murder, she discovered she was a mutant herself, she became terrified. She hid her mutant ability as much as possible but she couldn't control it. She was eventually discovered; they put a bomb around her neck and through her in with the worst of the worst, the murderers, rapists, & torturers. The mutants were informed of her history, her treatment at the hand of the mutants made her training from the MRD look like child's play. Goal: Depends on the personality. Other: Due to psychological trauma, Natalie psyche has fractured into many different personalities.[/hider] I updated the personality section.