[hider=Leah Jackson][center][img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/e753dffad1910bc2d7ceb78ddf766d84/tumblr_n1kyu0umGb1sltcwbo9_1280.jpg[/img] Leah Jackson Female 19 [/center] [b]HEIGHT—[/b] 5’10” [b]WEIGHT—[/b] ~130 lbs [b]NOTABLE MARKINGS—[/b] scar through her upper lip on the right side, reaches up to about the level of her nose; lightning scar on the back of her right shoulder, from the tip of her shoulder to mid-back [b]PERSONALITY—[/b] Sarcastic, clever, and somewhat suspicious of everything, Leah can be hard to get along with. However, once she’s friends with someone, she’s loyal to them to the end--betrayals hit her hard. She’s highly protective of her friends, can be intimidating, sometimes makes questionable decisions, and is willing to bend the rules (and her morals) to do what she thinks is best. That being said, she’s also very dedicated to controlling her powers--she’s hurt people on accident before—and her work ethic is unparalleled. [b]EQUIPMENT—[/b] [list] [*]An array of knives, for both close combat and throwing; excellent conductors of electricity. She can turn a minor stab wound into a deadly conduit to her powers with enough energy poured into a knife [*]Standard survival equipment [*]Fingerless gloves, fitted with brass knuckles she can use as conductors [/list] [b]ABILITIES—[/b] Leah considers herself a warrior, although she is capable of some quite powerful maneuvers with her demigod abilities—however, she’s reluctant to use them, as they’re quite hard to conceal, and she’s been...encouraged not to show them off in the past. She’s handy enough with a pistol and knows her way around a bow and arrow, but her true skill lies in knife fighting, both in close and thrown. She’s no knight, but she’s more of a threat than she first appears. As far as her demigod abilities go, Leah uses electricity—static shocks, or the stronger, more deadly type. She also has special talent with machines—she’s particularly gifted with cars and vehicles. Her powers are amplified during storms, but her weakness is water—while usually she’s impervious to electricity, if any part of her is wet, the electricity she channels can backfire through the water. There are some techniques involving more subtle electrical charges she’s working on, but for the moment she’s keeping that pursuit to herself, as she’s nowhere near skilled enough to take full advantage of her powers—yet. [b]ANCESTOR—[/b] Zeus [b]BACKGROUND—[/b] Leah has been on her own for quite a while. She grew up in a small town, very religious, that feared any ‘supernatural’ powers. Her mother became pregnant too young, forcing her and Leah’s father into marriage to appease their parents, but their relationship fell apart quickly. Her mother was increasingly absent, and her father increasingly abusive—eventually, after the first time Leah’s powers showed themselves, her mother simply vanished. Skipped town and didn’t come to dinner one day. That was the tipping point for Leah’s father to really start in on his then-five year old—every time she accidentally made the lights flicker, or her hair stand up with static, it was another swing. When Leah was nine, she’d had enough, enough of the bruises and black eyes. She left, just like her mother had, and never looked back. She certainly never had any regrets. She bounced from settlement to settlement, sometimes living in the woods, most times in cities. She hides in plain sight, manipulating machines as necessary to keep up a living, and often getting involved in petty crime just to make her way. [/hider]