[hider=Jin Uchiha][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Jin Uchiha [u][b]Alias[/b][/u]: Tenjinmenjiyuushin no Jin (Jin the Divine Beast in Human Form) [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 11 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [u][b]Rank[/b][/u]: Genin [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/300W/f/2013/227/8/6/young_madara_uchiha_by_senninartistmodo-d6i7gcx.png] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Quiet, at times condescending. His age does not reflect his personality, however his personality reflects his eyes: snakelike. He is clever, extremely wise for such a young one as well. He will not concern himself with trivial matters. . Occasionally sarcastic when faced with ignorance. Often people misperceive his intentions due to his age, and literally or figuratively overlook his presence. Jin is incredibly fond of strawberries. He has a very philosophical mind and is often caught in a pensive state. Jin loves to play games, both physical and mental. This aspect of his personality is what lead many to believe his occasional childish facade, when in truth is is a very aware, diligent child with a disciplined psyche. In truth, his love for games comes not from his age yet from his perception of the world through an idealistic yet analytic setting. His love for games branches out into his deceptive nature, his ability to manifest illusions and play on the emotions of others is astounding. It is in this that he has been drawn to the illusive abilities of the Sharingan, and developed them accordingly to fit his nature. In the same sense he has been drawn to the Sharingan's analytic prowess seeing as it is also in his nature to analyze every aspect of situations, concepts, etc. [b][u]Village[/u][/b]: Uzushiogakure [b][u]History[/u][/b]: [i]Jin's mother died during childbirth, leaving his father to raise both Jin and his older brother. Jin's older brother was self-sufficient and able to fend for himself, so his father gave Jin much attention. His older brother was the heir to the Uchiha throne before his father, the head of the Uchiha clan, Sangan Uchiha, saw the potential held in his younger son. Jin was an anomaly among the Uchiha, for as he was born, his Sharingan had already activated. He was born with red eyes, no tomoe. Before he could even walk or talk, his Sharingan was perceiving each detail of the world with fine recognition. The death of his mother, no matter how unaware of the full implications of this, had awakened Jin's eyes. This was a sign to his father, who neglected his elder son for the newborn who showed much promise. Jin was well-versed in the Academy arts only months after learning to speak and walk. He was solving complex puzzles and seemed to comprehend mathematical concepts even before that. By the time he reached the Academy at age 6, he had graduated less than a year later at 7. He then became a Genin, and began studying medical Ninjutsu. This displeased his father greatly, who did not see a medical-nin becoming the next heir to the Uchiha clan. He tried desperately to sway his son away from medical Ninjutsu, but to no avail. Jin was never all that interested in his own Sharingan, which developed two tomoe by the time he was seven. However he accepted it as a blessing from birth, which had always guided him down the right path. Jin was not interested in the wishes of his father either. He saw them as naive and foolish, worrying about such things as quarrels between clans and which of his sons would take over the hatred that is bred from this war. Jin became distant from his family, the only one he truly remained close to was his elder brother who had always supported him in all of his pursuits. And so he helped teach Jin the basic medical principles that he knew of from his time as a young Shinobi, though this was very little knowledge. Jin sought out a more advanced teacher for his craft, and in doing so found Nu Shinjitsu, an old woman who had learned the art of Medical Ninjutsu from her time with the Sage of Six Paths himself. During the war she was named the Mother of Medical techniques, as without her modern medical-nin would not have any of the basic principles of medicine that they use today. Nu admired Jin's curiosity and marveled at the wisdom buried beneath his youth, and so she accepted her final apprentice, even after vowing that she would take no other as her own. In a way, Nu cared or Jin like a mother would, but attempted to hide this fact from Jin, for fear of becoming attached to her pupils like she used to. After giving Jin hospitality for two and a half years, an argument between the two broke out due to a concept in Medical Ninjutsu that Jin refused to grasp, and so she cast him out of her home and exiled him as her pupil. And so Jin began his lonely road as a wanderer. Such a young child on his own was met with much speculation by most of his peers, however his determined eyes and little regard to emotion caused confusion in many of those around him. Jin wanted to expand the boundaries of his medical Ninjutsu, and after hearing rumors of a clan whose bodies were not of normal structure, he made it his mission to find a member of their clan. Eventually he found that the rumored clan, the Kaguya clan, had been wiped out in the previous war. Jin was disheartened, and almsot gave up in his search. However, asking around the village surrounding where the Kaguya clan had resided, he had found word of a boy who held the fabled Shikotsumyaku, whose body was never found and had not defended his clan during the massacre. Jin took this clue and after much investigating, had narrowed down his subject's location to a small town outside of Konoha. Upon arriving, Jin simply used his Sharingan to extract information from the local townspeople and eventually acquired the location of someone fitting the physical description of his subject. Thus, Jin arrived at the Kaguya's door and greeted his partner in crime, first true friend, and his first test subject, Kaido Kaguya. Kaido agreed to allow Jin to examine and map out his body, learning the intricate design put into the Kaguya that separated them from other humans. He, a simple boy at the age of ten, was able to medically operate and heal the body of a Kaguya using his limited medical knowledge, and limited though it may be, it was taught to him by the Mother of Medical Ninjutsu, Nu Shinjitsu. Jin and Kaido relocated to the Land of Ash, settling inside of Uzushiogakure and began planning for the future. Jin confided in Kaido, and told him the ultimate secret of his existence.[/i] [b][u]Tools[/u][/b]: Scrolls, spiked kusarigama, explosive tags, senbon, medical supplies, all stored in generic seals across the user's body, mainly around the wrists, a sealed blade which Jin is not knowledgeable enough in Fuuinjutsu to unseal yet. Currently he stores it in a generic seal on his right palm to summon it when needed, and acts as a normal chokuto. [b][u]Chakra Nature[/u][/b]: Raiton [b][u]Kekkei Genkai[/u][/b]: [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sharingan]Sharingan[/url] - Three Tomoe [b][u]Special Traits[/u][/b]: Child prodigy, incredible knowledge of the human body and psyche, renowned for his chakra control, large chakra reserves [i][u]Jutsu[/u][/i] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Genjutsu:_Sharingan]Genjutsu: Sharingan[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Demonic_Illusion:_Mirror_Heaven_and_Earth_Change]Magen: Kyo Tenchi-ten[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Ephemeral]Ephemeral[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Demonic_Illusion:_Double_False_Surroundings_Technique]Magen: Niju Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Generic_Sealing_Technique]Generic Sealing[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Mystical_Palm_Technique]Shosen Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Chakra_Scalpel]Chakra no Mesu[/url] Name: Shinigami no Ito ([i]Threads of the Death Angel[/i]) Rank: C Range: Mid Nature: - Type: Medical Ninjutsu Effect: This technique creates multi-purpose threads of chakra that can be applied in various ways. They are controlled by will alone as long as the user has enough chakra and concentration to uphold the technique. Some uses for the threads include attachment to his limbs as a means of moving them without the need for any muscular or neural involvement. He may sew the threads into himself or his allies as a medical practition for when the situation calls. They can be used to manipulate corpses in the same manner of controlling a limb that the user has physically lost the ability to use. Weakness: Continuous Chakra drain and concentration Name: Mugen Nyudou ([i]Infinite Flow[/i]) Rank: D Range: Mid Nature: - Type: Ninjutsu Effect: The user creates a wave of chakra that displaces energy equal to the output of the flow of chakra released from the individual. This technique is useful in medical practices to expel foreign chakra from oneself or an individual, can be used to halt techniques of others by creating a wave of chakra equal to the chakra used by an opponent's technique. Weakness: Restricted by the amount of chakra the user has/uses for the technique. Name: Muyuyoku no In ([i]Six Winged Seal[/i]) Rank: C Range: Self Nature: - Type: Fuuinjutsu Effect: This seal is a simple infintiy symbol on Jin's left palm, it passively draws his chakra toward the point. The first function of the seal is to store his massive amount of chakra. When the seal is released, his chakra surges throughout his body and allows for unique techniques to be used, in addition to the seal's appearance transforming. The second function of the seal is to reset the flow of his chakra, similar in fashion to Genjutsu Kai. The second function must be activated by will, and will activate automatically when the user falls unconscious. Upon using either function, the seal will emit a purple aura of chakra. Weakness: - Name: Mukankaku ([i]Numb[/i]) Rank: D Range: Short Nature: Raiton Type: Ninjutsu Effect: Creates and electrical current throughout the user's body. Upon touching an opponent the neurons in the area are fried, leaving them numb to pain and immobile, as the name of this technique suggests. This technique can use conductive materials as a medium. Weakness: It is not powerful enough to do much damage by itself to an opponent, and the effects will wear off from the span of 45 seconds up to a day based on the power of the charge and how long contact is established.[/hider]