The group gave their opinions on Ardan’s enlistment, which he took easily with his rifle cradled between his arms. Predictably, his fellow turian, the team sniper who’d earned himself a reputation as something of a crack shot, approved without hesitation. He was surprised, however, to hear that the sniper was familiar with him. The sapper nodded in recognition before turning his attention to the quarian, who had begun to speak her mind. She was a scrawny thing and the light robes that adorned her armour seemed to be quite out of place in a battlefield like this, the filth of combat making quite the impression. She wasn’t a decisive one, a medic from what she was saying. While it wasn’t quite a no, she clearly wasn’t happy with the prospect of a seasoned soldier in their company on account of his specialty with explosives. He wondered if she had any reservations about the asari, whom Ardan had heard a lot of things about – mostly that she was a crazy, bloodthirsty lunatic that was simply in it for the bloodshed. She also was in the indecisive camp. From her reputation, Ardan was expecting someone a bit more vulgar and confrontational. Today was already full of surprises. The turian looked towards Daro with a wink. [color=007236]“Look, if it makes you feel any better, any idiot can set a bomb. If you don’t understand the yield or the type of explosive you’re using, you can cause a lot of collateral damage and probably blow yourself and half your line up. Sometimes, less is more. Nothing I ever set a charge to broke more than it had to.” [/color]He turned his gaze around to the others. [color=007236]“Look, how about this, I help you guys complete the mission and then you guys who haven’t made up your minds can have some time to think over it, and seeing how you guys don’t have vorcha numbers, an extra set of hands can’t hurt.” [/color]