It was altogether an embarrassing display of heroics from the Titans. Never in a million years did Ari expect that she would feel like such an [i]insignificant dwarf[/i]. The Justice League made quick work of their foe and were obviously less than thrilled with the team's work. She was so disgusted with her teammates — and to a far lesser extent disgusted with her own performance, but mostly her teammates. She swore that Wonder Woman was shaking her head at her. "I got the 'disappointed elder' treatment from [i]fucking Wonder Woman[/i]!" she said to herself through gritted teeth on the T-Wing ride back to base. She legitimately loathed the Amazon. There wasn't really anything personal in between them, Ariel believed the Leaguer carried herself with a particular arrogance that aggravated Whirlpool more than anything. Ari would love to test just how powerful the woman was. The closer to home base the T-Wing got, the more Ariel got worked up about it. She had a personal hunch as to who the catalyst of their failure was. Sure, the Teen Titans as a whole showcased immaturity today, that was certain. But what they also showcased was a [i]self-centered, out of control, selfish, psychopath[/i] Kryptonian who had no qualms with leaving collateral damage in the wake of his rampaging. The next time he made the team look like fools again there would be a problem, she didn't care how unevenly matched she might be with him. The T-Wing docked in the hangar and Ariel stormed to the front, making sure to be the first to exit. She walked towards the elevator with clenched fists, trying to calm herself down before a shirtless Evan dashed past her towards the stairs. He might've plowed her over in his effort had she not sidestepped. The sight of Evan calmed her down enough to put an end to her raging. Shortly after the team was together in the main portion of the tower. Rose snapped when Wonder Boy tried toasting to their work. "We're lucky to have gotten the civilians out alive, we're lucky the League came by when they did otherwise we'd all be taking him down." Rose spat with a finger point at Sentinel. Ariel would've enjoyed that, at least if she was in a comfortable range of the Bay, than containing Kid Krypto would be no problem. Ravager was always good at inducing guilt, though, and Ari found herself pretending to be interested in her shoes for the majority of Rose's lecture. She wanted to interrupt and blame the others for their failure but she decided it wasn't a good time, and she couldn't look Rose in the eye. Rose finished with telling them to pretty much chill and bond, which was a good call because that was exactly what they needed. Ariel was zoning out as Ravager departed in the elevator. Evan filled another wine glass and started talking about throwing a party. Finally calmed, she decided it was best to keep it that way if she was going to effectively follow Rose's orders. Ari speedwalked past Evan, swiping the glass away from him in a quick movement. She examined it before raising it to her lips and drinking half of the glass. "Thanks for the drink," she winked over her shoulder before walking away in a flirtatious matter.