Lobo kept talking as Sentinel slammed and smashed him across kingdom come. He thought that Sentinel would accept any kind of deal? With the likes of Lobo? What a joke. No, if Isaac had his way Lobo wouldn't be walking away from this fight. The two powerhouses brawled. Fists collided with flesh and bone as the environment collapsed around them. The combined blows from the pair of enemies could be heard by all who were anywhere nearby. Despite the continuous barrage of attacks delivered by the young Kryptonian the Czarian refused to fall. The two came to a halt in the yard after smashing through a wall and falling five stories onto the dirt below. Lobo moved away from Isaac, who took the respite graciously and caught his breathe as the villain monologued. He mentioned being the last of his kind. How he'd killed everyone he'd ever known when he was only a child. This only proved to Sentinel that this monster deserved what was coming to him. He shouldn't have killed all those people. It's not Lobo's choice who gets to live or die. That kind of thing can't be decided by any individual or any agenda. Life was- -Life was precious. ... But not Lobo's. He deserved this. Didn't he? The Czarian produced a knife that gave off an all too familiar glow. Sentinel began to feel panic rise up in his chest as Lobo blitzed forward and slashed him across the chest. The Kryptonite sliced through Sentinel's Kryptonian battle armor like butter. Feeling the knife slice across his chest was the worst pain Isaac had felt since he became a Kryptonian. Blood dripped from the wound as Isaac's skin struggled to heal due to the crippling radiation. Sentinel let loose a howl of pained rage as he tried to strike back. Lobo pared the blow with ease and took a stab at trying to cut Isaac again. The blade sliced deeper this time, leaving trace radiation within the wound itself. Isaac felt his knees grow weak underneath him. His attacks became more and more futile as Lobo continued his offense. Was this the end? Was Lobo stronger than Sentinel had anticipated? Darkness threatened to overcome Sentinel once more, as it had in the restaurant. The end seemed nigh as Sentinel fell to his knees and awaited the final strike. Yet none came. Two beams of familiar energy slammed into the bounty hunter and sent him flying into an equally as familiar green construct. Sentinel leaped to his feet, raising an arm to join in the fight against Lobo despite his crippling weakness having struck him multiple times in the chest. Yet Isaac felt himself stopped by his mentor. That S, the second most recognizable symbol on planet earth was what greeted the weary warrior. [color=6ecff6]"Kal, I-" [/color] Sentinel began. But Superman would have none of it. "That's enough, son." He said before Sentinel collapsed in his friend's arms. [color=6ecff6]"I tried. He...He was stronger than me."[/color] But not strong enough, Isaac thought. "You did just fine Sentinel, but you still have much to learn." Green Lantern gave Superman a certain look. Sentinel understood it well. 'Fine?' Green Lantern implied. 'He tried to kill lobo. He wrecked an apartment building for crying out loud!' [color=6ecff6]"Can I go home, Superman?"[/color] "Yeah. It's time to go home, Sentinel. I'll take you back to the T-Wing. You'll be at the tower in no time." No, Sentinel thought. Not the tower. [i]Home.[/i] To the Fortress, where he belonged. But alas. Martian Manhunter was not here to know Sentinel's true thoughts. Soon, Sentinel found himself side by side with the rest of the Teen Titans aboard the T-Wing. Isaac caught a glimpse of Batman as the plane took flight and they were surrounded by a deafening silence. The mission had been a failure. Two enemies nearly escaped and Sentinel had almost done the unthinkable. Or, perhaps, he'd nearly died. The team probably didn't know that. Heck, Batman probably didn't know. Only two of the Leaguers had been there to see the fight; and neither Clark or Jordan were known for talking about stuff like that. At least the view was good. Nothing like flight to calm the nerves, eh? Sentinel took a deep breath as he stepped off the T-Wing's ramp and onto the cold floor. He walked with the rest of the team toward the elevator and rode up with them in silence. Evan seemed excited to be back and out of his shirt; no surprise there. Sentinel stepped into the kitchen and glanced at Ariel. The girl had a look of hatred in her eyes as the two made eye contact. Of course she did. Sentinel had ruined the mission in her mind. I mean, it isn't like he dragged Lobo as far from the team as possible to keep them safe or anything. And it isn't like he took on the bounty hunter one on one, nearly winning until the cheat pulled out Kryptonite. Oh no, it was ALL Isaac's fault to that arrogant, selfish little piece of- Calm down. Don't hurt her. She's just scared, that's all. They were all scared. Sentinel decided it was for his best interest to avoid eye contact. Rose entered the room, and Isaac steeled himself for the worst of it. No doubt, she had some choice words for her titans. He'd probably take the brunt of it, too. Sentinel rubbed his scarred chest and shifted his suit around to make himself more comfortable. He'd need to fix it before he used it for anything else. Which sucked, considering he only owned a single pair of jeans and a Superboy shirt to replace it. Ravager indeed seemed to have plenty to say. She assaulted a defenseless glass of wine with her lightsaber before addressing the rest of the group. Yeah, Isaac did consider it a job well done. Especially when you consider that everyone but Sentinel was street level at best, yeah; they did pretty damn well. Better than any other team like them could have done. That wasn't what riled Sentinel though. No, it was her next set of comments that made this teapot shriek. "-we're lucky the League came by when they did otherwise we'd all be taking him down." She spat pointing towards Sentinel. "I know what it's like to have blood lust, to have a chip in your shoulder. Believe I've been there, I've tried to kill before. But you've got to get it under control, you weren't given those powers to become a murderer." [color=6ecff6]"WHA-"[/color] Isaac felt his his cheeks catch fire. He started to figuratively choke on his own words as he held back an explosion of emotion. How DARE she presume they were anything alike. Her father was a world renowned assassin. She was trained from birth to be a murder and a thug. The kind of person Sentinel is looking to off. Yet she thinks she's better than Isaac. Even if she is, it wasn't her place to call him out in front of everyone. Like they needed the extra reason to hate him. And she wanted them to bond? They'd probably want to play 'hang the Sentinel' when Rose left! How's that for a party?! Make the Kryptonian failure a pinata! Beat him until he gushes candy! Yay! It isn't like Isaac has feeling anyway. It isn't like he cares what his teammates thinks. Or, by Rao, that he might just have wanted to keep the closest thing he has to friends safe. Rose 'I'm better than you' Wilson left them all with the orders to relax. [color=6ecff6]"I'll be in my room."[/color] He said quietly. [color=6ecff6]"Gotta let these cuts heal."[/color] Sentinel turned away from the rest of his team and slowly made his way towards the stairs and up to his room. He ignored the antics of his teammates as he disappeared from sight. Moments later he found himself changing out of his ruined costume and into what was the entirety of his wardrobe of clothes. He stopped, taking a seat on the side of his (totally useless) bed and looking in the mirror. [color=6ecff6]"You're suppose to be Superman."[/color] He told himself. [color=6ecff6]"Superman is a symbol of hope. Power. He fights for truth and justice. Everyone on the face of the planet looks up to him. He's all their favorite hero. The world loves him."[/color] Sentinel sighed, staring at that accursed S on his shirt. [color=6ecff6]"And what are you? A symbol of anger and hate. Weakness. You fight to kill and murder. Your teammates are afraid of you. Threaten you. The world? The world ignores you. Like a bad joke."[/color] Sentinel looked down at his chest and grabbed a handful of his shirt, ripping the S off. [color=6ecff6]"You don't deserve this."[/color] He mumbled, before opening his door and throwing the S down the stairs. He turned and looked out of the window at the sun as it disappeared behind San Francisco. Not strong enough. Never strong enough.