[hider=Muyo Uzumaki] [center]Name: Muhi Uchiha --- Alias: Muyo Uzumaki --- Age: 15 --- Gender: Male --- Rank: Genin D-Rank --- Appearance: Small for his age, and thin, almost unhealthily so. The same can be said of his paleness. His hair is longish and pure black, with streaks of a lighter violet running through it. He wears black, loose clothing, almost like he's just gotten out of bed. He wears a black cloth across his face, covering his eyes, which is further covered by his long hair, and similar strips of cloth are around his wrists, ankles, and neck. --- Personality: Muhi isn't very talkative, but he isn't a complete introvert either. Rather, he just isn't very good at starting conversations with people, or carrying them for that matter. He enjoys being around others, even if he isn't part of the group, because he doesn't like being all alone. He tends to have a delayed reaction to, well, everything, and most surprises or things that would shock or scare a normal person are completely lost on him. At some points it is like he can see the world around him perfectly fine, better then those around him even, but other times he's stumbling around like he's completely blind and forced to rely on others to tell him where he's going. Generally when he's with a group of people he knows and feels comfortable with, he'll be quite cheerful and open. --- Village: Uzushio, Land of Ash --- History/Background: Muhi wasn't born and raised, instead he was bred, created as an experiment to fuel an arms race. His father was an Uchiha, and his mother a Hyuga. Muhi never met his mother, but from what he experienced of his father, he isn't confident that his birth was entirely consensual. Once upon a time he wondered if he could find out who his mother was, but he's long since given that up, not sure he really wants to know. His entire childhood was spent in a training facility; just him, his father, and a few other Uchiha, constantly training, trying to make him into a weapon of mass destruction to be thrown at the enemy and leave nothing behind. It didn't work. Muhi was deemed a failure, the drawbacks of his cursed eyes outweighed their usefulness. So his father disposed of him, or tried to at least. That's not how it exactly worked out, as Muhi is the one walking around free and his father is nowhere to be found. Muhi has never once thought to try to find out what happened to his dear old dad, and he probably never will. It's a good thing that his Yamigan never truly activated while he was in that training facility, or else his father might have told more people about his little "experiment". Ever since the day he awoke outside of the facility, Muhi hid himself by changing his name to Muyo Uzumaki, and despite his appearance being unusual in the clan, his talent with fuinjutsu helped his cover. The clan was very hospitable to him, mostly out of pity for the poor blind child. He had told them that his eyes became disfigured in an accident when he was very young, covering them in cloth and bandages as he has ever since. He stayed around the Uzumaki for a while, observing their incredible skills with fuinjutsu that dwarfed his own, laying low until he felt that it was safe to move around, completely oblivious to the fact that his birth had only ever been known by a small handful of individuals. He's still wary of any Uchiha he sees, some part of his mind telling him that they've finally decided to hunt him down, and Muyo perks up a little whenever he is around a Hyuga, a different part of his mind hoping against all odds that maybe they know who his mother was. --- Tools: A scroll just in case he needs to write seals, and there are scraps of paper hidden inside his clothing and inside the strips of black cloth. --- Chakra Nature: Technically fire, but not really --- Kekkei Genkai: Dojutsu: Yamigan A hybridization of Sharingan and Byakugan, Muhi's eyes are completely white, but with a pinprick of red in the center that becomes a red cross whenever the Yamigan is active. The Yamigan combines the Sharingan's power of analyzing jutsu and the Byakugan's power of manipulating chakra into something new. The Yamigan's ability lies in powerful fuinjutsu that seals and destroys jutsu and chakra, similar in effect to the Mangekyo Sharingan's Kamui. --- Special Traits: Low strength, very low chakra reserves, and an aptitude for fuinjutsu --- [b][u]Jutsu[/b][/u] Along with the basic E-rank jutsu that can just be assumed... Name: Sealing Technique: Rainy Day Funds Rank: C Range: None Nature: None (Space-time?) Type: Fuijutsu Effect: Muyo places a seal on his body that drains him of a physical trait, be it strength, speed, health, chakra, anything his body does, until the seal is released. When the seal is released, he gains access to that stored trait, up to the amount that was stored. Weakness: It leaves him weak, slow, sickly, and having almost no chakra reserved the majority of the time, and once the sealing is released, he can't rebottle the seal until he's used up everything that was stored. Name: Sealing Technique: Binding Chains Rank: C Range: Short Nature: None Type: Fuinjutsu Effect: Muyo gets close enough to the target to place a seal on their body, from which emerge many metal chains that ensnare the target. Weakness: He has to physically touch the target to use the technique. While the chains are very difficult for their target to break, anyone else can break them pretty easily. [/center][/hider]