[center] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wGnaTeXw4A4/TjP-rw6ZAZI/AAAAAAAAHI0/MiHl5t4M9bY/s1600/AC82-web.jpg[/img] [i]With short black hair, a pale complexion, and a petite build standing at 165cm (roughly 5’5”), Mia avoids wearing make-up, and doesn’t have any piercings or tattoos.[/i] [hider=Midnight Moon] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq0eO8eKby8[/youtube] [/hider] [b]Name[/b]: Mia Adams [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Species[/b]: Human [b]Sexual Preference[/b]: Pansexual [b]Likes[/b]: | [u]Authenticity[/u] | [u]Honesty[/u] | [u]The Internet[/u] | [u]Alternative rock[/u] | [b]Dislikes[/b]: | [i]Tension and conflict[/i] | [i]Formality[/i] |[/center] [b]Bio[/b]: Mia may have passed 18, but she doesn’t feel like an adult. While she’s mature enough to have a good head on her shoulders, she lacks experience, coming from a small Southeast Asian country, and a life of relative average-ness. Moving to the West meant immersing herself in an entirely new culture, when she’s spent her entire life steeped in traditionalism. Of course, that isn’t to say Mia’s a stick-in-the-mud. She accepts people readily, but doesn’t adapt easily to new situations. As a child, she would make few friends in school, since she spent a large part of her time keeping quiet until someone spoke to her first. But once she met good friends willing to coax a response out of her, she was completely at home. Mia’s come out of her shell a bit since then, and has learnt how to take the first step in introducing herself. However, she will only do so if the other person doesn’t first, and she finds it worth the while to meet someone new. Completely easy-going, Mia’s first priority is to live a good, balanced life, and figure the rest out later, which has led to her being absolutely carefree in selecting her peers. She’s been friends with scholars and delinquents, class-toppers and students who can’t figure out quadratic equations. Some have been good influences, others questionable. But Mia doesn’t keep in touch much with her past friends, now that she has moved overseas; perhaps just the key few. Her parents initially didn’t approve much of her leaving the country, but that was just their protective instincts kicking into gear. (These are, of course, the same people who previously forbade her from dating until she was 30. They later brought that number down to 20) While they’ve let her leap from under their conjoined wings, they continue to keep tabs on her via phone calls and make it a point to let Mia know that they still don’t whole-heartedly agree with their daughter living alone in a foreign land, working at a coffee-shop. But parents will be parents. [b]Occupation[/b]: Barista [b]Country of Origin[/b]: Singapore [b]Feelings about meeting her soul mate[/b]: Anticipation, with a dash of disbelief. While it seems the ink has had a good track record so far – successfully and historically match-making people with their intendeds – that has never erased Mia’s concerns that she will somehow not match up, or that this one time the system will fail her. She wants to live with no regrets, so finding someone right – be it with the help of the ink or not – to be with for the rest of her life is vital to her.