"Two hours till pickup," Arron was awake now and there was no going back to sleep, he was standing on his parents back balcony with that bright light shining in his eyes, he could feel the word on the tip of his tongue, like dancing with magic. He smiled as the word left his lips, "[color=fff200]Shazam![/color]" The lightning struck him and transformed him into Morningstar. Morningstar flew through the city at high speed, he continued to push the limit until he heard the telltale sound of the sound barrier breaking around him. He was enjoying flying and taking in the beautiful morning when he noticed a bunch of cop cars outside of The Metropolitan bank. "[color=fff200]Aww yeah...let's get it started![/color]" Morningstar dipped down and shot into the bank without slowing down, he nabbed one of the men and took him out into the sky, "[color=fff200]Bank robbery...really?[/color]" The man went to curse Morningstar but was rendered unconscious by a quick slap from the back of Morningstar's hand. He was then dropped off to the police as Morningstar made another loop this time taking two of the remaining three men, knocking the hell out of them along the ride, the last guy was the one Arron wanted to really talk to. He landed inside with the man and held out his hand, "[color=fff200]Just hand over the gun...this is over.[/color]" The man looked around desperately before finally relenting and handing over the gun, and like that...the robbery was over. ---------------------------- By the time he made it home the agents had arrived to pick him up, Arron landed and smiled at the Agents, "[color=fff200]Am I late?[/color]" one of the agents shook his head as the helicopter arrived to take them to the team meeting. Arron said the word turning him back to normal, "[color=fff200]well...I'm as ready as I'll ever be.[/color]" Once they arrived Arron let out a gasp of awe at the massive helicarrier, then he was led inside where everyone else was and he let out a friendly was, [color=fff200]Yo! Name's Arron...I like videogames and stuff...[/color] he let out a laugh since everyone else seemed way to serious.