It had all been a blur as the fight ensued with utmost ferocity. For the most part, Rhea had ducked underneath some rubble as Lobo sprayed and prayed throughout the restaurant, assuring them that chinese take-out was not in their to-do list. Furthermore, as the battle was taken to another location, Rhea had only a brief second to get out of her hiding place before [i]the[/i] League showed up. Oh, how they always like to appear when things became bleak. As a support, Rhea withheld any comment as to how they all flunked. Pretty much, the only reason they weren't [i]that[/i] much of failure was, at least, they helped in catching two criminals in one day. Still, they destroyed a restaurant, demolished a hotel and gave some people in chinatown a traumatic experience-- not really the best way to strengthen teamwork. Thus, the ride home was tense. Stares and glares were similar to swords and knives, each probably wanting to put the blame on someone. Well, it wasn't a mystery as to who everyone was blaming. It was Teapot-- Kid Krypto. As they arrived at the tower, Rhea couldn't help but close her eyes as Rose began to do her heartfelt lecture and while any normal person would say that Rhea was not responsible for anything since she barely even destroyed a single pebble, the healer felt as guilty as everyone else. If only she had been more proactive, things might not have gotten out of hand. If only she was useful, she could have helped stop the criminals before anything happened. If only she was actually a hero, maybe she could have made her team proud. In that brief battle, Rhea saw how much everyone dwarfed her. Everyone was useful in that battle, except her. These thoughts raced in Rhea's mind, prompting the healer to make a fist, crumpling her bloodstained robe. As Rose continued her lecture, Rhea couldn't help but notice that she was aiming everything down at Teapot. The lad already had a hard time communicating with others and, yet, she just couldn't show a hint of appreciation? At least, Teapot had been useful in that clash. Still, Rhea kept her peace and preferred to just close her eyes and let the storm (Rose) pass. Once Rose vanished, Rhea sighed. [color=aba000]"I dun know whether she done dat 'cus she be worried 'bout the damage we caused to da town or da damage we caused to her reputation."[/color] As Teapot left the room and Mini-Package and Whirlie began flirting, Rhea took her leave as she abruptly stood up. [color=aba000]"Fer what it be worth, you've all done wonderful out der-- as a team and I think dat is da most important aspect of da Titans."[/color] Rhea reached the kitchen, her hands trembling furiously as she remembered the sight of blood that had gushed out from the child's leg. Her breathing became erratic, pained and laboured-- she was venturing into another panic attack. Rhea took off her hood before turning on the facet at full force, splashing her face profusely with cool water until she felt that she could, at least, function normally. The memories of those dark nights began to jab at her psyche, threatening to torment her once more. Flashes of vivid horrors took drafted between her eyes as she slammed her fist upon the sink... not really doing anything other than getting her own hand bruised. Finally, she pulled herself together as the cold chill that ran through her spine vanished altogether. [color=aba000]"Curse be da day I grew ovaries."[/color] she mumbled before turning to the drawers and pulling out multiple tea packets. She got the teapot and threw multiple bags inside before pouring hot water. While the others might prefer wine, Rhea knew that tea eased the soul. Her eyes went over to the sights of the balcony, the city's glorious night façade was something worth mentioning. As the tea 'brewed', Rhea began to wander aimlessly up and down the tower, her mind drifting over to how much the team had been considered a failure so far. As she ascended the steps, she heard some rumbling and, voilà, a torn piece of a shirt came soaring towards her as the speed left her little time to dodge. The cloth collided with her with the force of a light punch which could knock a normal person off their feet. Apparently, cloths had the potential to be teen titans nowadays. It was the 'S' that Teapot loved to flaunt so much. [color=aba000]"Shit, indeed."[/color] Rhea's face softened as she examined the torn piece of clothing. [color=aba000]"Sentinel."[/color] she sighed, looking at the door which had just recently closed... well, that door wasn't the only thing that closed this night... probably, so was Teapot's heart to the team. Rhea shook her head as she tucked the cloth inside her robe before making her way back to the kitchen. With the tea done, Rhea placed the pot on a tray alongside two small, porcelain cups. Rhea began her tense journey towards the room of the man who the team bared their fangs upon, the man who could kill her if he wanted to. Still, instead of fear, Rhea felt... hope. Not everyone who stumbles is lost. She could never understand what Teapot is going through, they were worlds apart. She would never understand his pain but if there's something that both of them had in common... well, she would find out in the long run. Besides, most people would only care when it was too late; Rhea did not want to be part of that 'most'. She finally reached the door of his room. Most probably, he already knew she was there. It was now or never. If he would say no, then Rhea would have a tea party by herself... at least, she tried. [color=aba000]"Sentinel."[/color] Rhea began, her voice neutral. [color=aba000]"Sentinel,"[/color] she tried again. [color=aba000]"May I come in?"[/color] That 'English for Dummies' book helped her a lot. [color=aba000]"I know you dun need me 'der but would ye allow me to keep ye company over a cup of tea?"[/color] Rhea finished her spiel, hoping for the best. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step and, this, was Rhea's first step. She could only hope that Teapot would also take his first steps or this tense atmosphere would last for a good duration in their team. Besides, tea was always a good conversation starter.