As soon as 'Tali was in the car Cole sped off and away from central park. Along the way it was clear a good amount of gifted survived the initial attack. That didn't mean everything was okay however as the survivors, the ones who hadn't fled to shelter, rioted in the streets. The National Guard and the DMA had been dispersed across the island to deal with them. Coke flicked on the radio to the news station, news of the riots had already reached the media and the government issued a warning for citizens to remain indoors until the next morning. [color=ed1c24][b]"They want as few civilians off the street when they comb it for gifted. Tomorrow will probably be the home searches"[/b][/color]. Arriving at Lacie's, Cole carried 'Tali out of the car with an arm around his neck. Seeing as his hands weren't free his only option was to kick the door open. Most of the bar patrons were Gifted but seeing as he wasn't sure which were humans he didn't take a chance and say this guy was gifted. The owner of the bar, Lacie herself, was there that night watching the news for updates on the Rally Massacre. [color=ed1c24][b]"Lacie, could use some help, this guy got hit pretty bad. Guy says DMA misfired and shot him tryin to take down a meta"[/b][/color]. Lacie had one of bar's security carry 'Tali into the backroom. Once his rescue was out of sight in the backrooms Cole took a moment to look at the mess his new friend made. Blood all over his new shirt. While it was a pain he couldn't blame the guy. Lacie looked to Cole with a worried look before saying, "Need anything Cole? New clothes?". [color=ed1c24][b]"Save 'em, they need it more than me"[/b][/color], fortunately Cole was wearing a black tee so the blood could only be felt as it soaked his shirt but not seen for now. [color=ed1c24][b]"You know what, lemme get the usual...a lot of people died today"[/b][/color], Lacie only took a moment to bring Cole the usual, Grey Goose vodka...the entire bottle. "Since when have you needed a reason to drink yourself stupid?" [color=ed1c24][b]"Since when do you leave the counter to interrogate me?"[/b][/color], Cole replied. He didn't mean to sound harsh and Lacie knew it. He just had that way about him. "Since you walked in with a bleeding gifted and drinking to people's memory, besides Vince can cover for me...don't do anything stupid Cole, the DMA is already putting pressure on the city" [color=ed1c24][b]"Pretty soon Manhattan is going to be 'Meta-Free', that's how they put it on the news right? I swear it's Haven all over again"[/b][/color], Cole opened the bottle of vodka and poured himself a glass. Lacie just sat there staring down at the table. "Maybe you should get out of town, at least till things calm down here. Hell maybe we all need to clear out" [color=ed1c24][b]"Fuck that. I'll die when I'm ready, till then they can keep looking for me"[/b][/color], Cole downed his glass before laying it on the table. Lacie sighed before getting up from their table, "Take care Cole, if you need a ride when you finish that I'll be here" [color=ed1c24][b]"Thanks Lacie"[/b][/color] "And pay your damn tab already!", Lacie headed back to the bartender's counter leaving a chuckling Cole alone at his booth.