Fenrir was finally done with his little horde of demons. More than a dozen bodies littered the ground, gashes painting the grey skin red in various places. Some were missing fingers, some were missing arms, some were just missing the blood that had cruised their veins minutes ago. Karnage had left him to deal with the pests and disappeared off to somewhere without much explanation. [i]He doesn't seem to like me much.[/i] Fen thought with little surprise as he was wiping the blood off his knives. Nothing worse than a sticky crust preventing you from pulling your weapon out in the crucial moment. [color=D2691E][i]Are you going to reassemble me eventually?[/i][/color] A sarcastic voice sounded in his head. [i]I will.[/i] He responded distantly but made no move to recover Elah. Something else had grasped his attention. It was warm and wet. One of the little demons had pulled his shoe off in an attempt to get at his feet. It had bitten right through the shoe laces. Had that proven the presence or the lack of any intelligence? Interesting. But what was more relevant at the moment was that the same demon's blood was slowly soaking his sock and engulfing his toes in a peculiar warmth. Fen peeled his eyes off the red substance and went to the dismembered parts of Elah. For a few moments he was fidgeting with the gun, assembling it, then making sure it worked properly. [I]Why won't you shoot anything inanimate or dead?[/i] He asked as he pulled the trigger on one of the corpses in front of him and nothing happened. [color=D2691E][i]It strikes me as incredibly pointless.[/i][/color] The Instrument responded and they both went quiet. Well, Fen knew the value of dead things. After he'd secured his weapons and retrieved his boot, his hand found itself fishing around one of the small pockets right next to the zip of his hoodie. Two little yellow pills and a grey one. The yellow ones immediately found their way to his mouth, but he didn't swallow. Instead he held them under his tongue as he picked up the lifeless leg of one of the demons, stepping on the body to keep it down. He pulled and a wet crack filled the room. The joint had given way but the limb refused to rip that easily. The pills' grainy substance was slowly dissolving in his mouth, the first tingles of the chemical taste reaching his senses. It sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine and increased his haste. With a swift pull and a heavy stomp closer to the joint, the flesh ripped and the leg came off, blood staining Fen's trouser and hoodie. Blood that shouldn't be wasted. The heart was no longer beating so the blood couldn't flow quite as he'd like but there was plenty left in the femoral artery for a few small sips. Positioning himself comfortably against the wall, Fen took the final grey pill and washed the lot of them down his throat with some lukewarm blood. The metallic and the salty chemical ones mixed together and poisoned his senses. The dealer hadn't told him much about the drug, and Fen hadn't asked. He was just told to take a yellow and grey pill together, one yellow to induce the sweet narcosis and one grey to keep his body from acting out during the trip. What Fen had later found worked much much better, was using two of the yellow ones, and, well... what to wash them down with. The results of his little experiments were truly marvellous and as the world transformed around him, Fen rested his head against the wall and smiled.