[b][center]Tristans Quarters [/center][/b] Craig smirked as he reached the door to Tristans quarters, two guards in tow behind him. As the door slid open Craig threw him into his quarters and the man landed on the couch before looking over to Craig and growling. Craig had drug him all the way from the Mor, refusing to use the elevator and took the stairs. Tristans collar in hand as he made sure Tristans rear-end hit every step on the way down. It was a rather gratifying experience after so many years of being under Tristans tyranny. Walking over to the com, Craig enacted an emergency protocol that was used in prisons to negate Talent abilities within a certain area. He wanted to make sure that Tristan would not be able to use his abilities to contact anyone on the outside or to try to escape. As much as he was glad for Tristan to be out of the chair of leadership, he wasn’t naïve enough to think that Tristan wouldn’t do everything he could to get back at Silvia for what she had done and in the back of his mind he was fearful for the womans life now. He just hoped that whatever Silvia had planned would get Tristan off world as quickly as possible. Tristan rubbed his jaw a bit and straightened himself up as he stood. “I am going to kill that woman,” he spat towards Craig. Craig perked a brow and turned to face the man, stepping closer to him as his expression went blank. It wasn’t like Craig to get upset over things. Even with all the horrors he had seen he had always remained jovial and upbeat through it all. This was different though. The Tower had a chance to be a well-run Tower for once; one where the staff was not afraid of some idiots temper tantrum. “You had better pray that Silvia doesn’t take a liking to Ailen,” he warned as he looked at the man and spoke in a serious tone. “Because if she were to then she just might let Ailen have a few minutes alone with you,” he finished before turning and walking out of the room and the door sliding shut. Tristan standing there with a look of mixed rage and fear over his features. “Lock the door, no one enters or leaves without permission of the Tower Lead,” Craig ordered the men. “Yes sir,” they answered in tandem before locking down the quarters and standing post. Craig began to make his way back to the Mor, a slight skip in his step as a smile graced his features. So far this had been the best day he had had at the Tower since he began working there. He looked forward to what tomorrow may hold. That was until he got word through his come and groaned inwardly. “Oh wonderful,” he muttered before laughing slightly. “Tell Jun’Krama that the Tower Lead will personally speak to him and that the Tower Lead will be down shortly to meet with him face to face,” Craig said as he stepped into the elevator and waited for it to take him back to the Mor. “This will be interesting,” he laughed. [b][center]Mor Of Altenian Tower [/center][/b] Silvia perked a brow at what Ailen was saying about that one particular file and asked the Basic to hand it over to her; picking it up from the pile he handed it over to her before getting to work on transferring all the files to crystal drives. This was going to take some time to get through everything but the Basic didn’t mind, this was one tedious job he was happy to do. Silvia took the file and rested it in her lap. If it had to do with Ailen personally she wanted to review it first and not leave it to another member of the staff. Taking the wine from Ailen as he offered to her she smiled and thanked him for the glass, taking a small sip as she leaned back in the chair. She had wanted to get settled in but since the T-2 Pair was out for the day there was no one for back up. She would have to work through the night and rest tomorrow. Why Tristan had even been out of the Mor during his shift was unfathomable to her. Even if there was not a ship to catch, a Lead was not supposed to leave the Mor for anything during their 36-120 hour stretch. They worked, ate, slept and even tried to relax in the Mor while on duty. It was too risky when things went wrong to have a Lead asleep in their room. They had to be able to be right there at a moments notice. Silvia about spit out her wine laughing when Ailen said he wouldn’t use his artificial arm to hit Tristan. Barely managing not to she swallowed the wine hard and shook her head with a soft smile on her lips. “You know, I may just let you have a [i]patrol shift[/i] over him while he is in lock down,” she said as she swirled the wine in the glass slowly. “Or perhaps we can line up the entire staff when he is shipped off world and do an assembly line style toss out from his quarters all the way to the dock,” she said with a mischievous grin on her lips. It was about that time that a com came through about an emergency medical issue down in Ashalas quarters from the infirmary. “Oh dear,” Silvia said as she sat up in her seat and looked around, happy to see Gaia coming off the elevator. “Gaia, welcome back,” Silvia said kindly. “Hate to do this but we have a medical emergency in the quarters of someone named Ashala. I need you to head down there as quick as your wings can carry you. I’ll send back up from the infirmary to help you in case Ashala needs to be moved to the infirmary proper,” she said quickly before contacting the infirmary and having two orderlies of low talent ranking make their way to Ashalas quarters; telling them to await Gaias arrival before doing anything. Once that was taken care of she told the rest of the staff to get together all back logs for her and that they were going to stand sending out all supplies that have been sitting. “I also want paperwork on all supplies that are damaged or rotten so we can get them replaced post haste. Until we get replacements we will be slightly under supplied ourselves because I will be sending anything we can to those that need it the most tonight,” she said before taking a long drink of the wine and finishing it off, resting the glass on the arm of her chair. “Thanks Ailen, I needed that.” Before she continue her conversation with Ailen, the elevator doors opened again and Craig came out laughing so hard he could barely contain himself. Silvia looked over to him and then to Ailen. “Is he okay?” she asked but before Ailen would have a chance to reply Craig pipped in. “Never been better. Miss Silvia, you have a guest waiting for you at the Gates.” “A guest?” she asked quizzically. “Yes, Jun’Krama is here to see you. Requests your presence at the gate,” he said as he sat down at his desk. “The who?” she asked before shaking her head. “I’m on duty, I can’t exactly leave the Mor. Bring him up,” she said and the room went quiet. “What?” “Um…Trust me, you don’t want him up here,” Craig answered quickly. “Why not? Never mind, just bring him up here. There is a catch soon, I am not leaving to go for a stroll,” she said in a flat tone. “I..um…okay…and if he refuses to leave his sword at the gate?” “Then let him bring it with him for gods sake man I have a fucking job to do. Or would you rather Tristan come back up here to cover for me?” she asked as she perked a brow. “No, that’ll work,” he said quickly before looking over towards Ailen. “Would you please bring the Jun’Krama up to the Mor?”