[b][center]Mor Of Altenian Tower[/center][/b] Silvia watched Ailen leave and just shook her head with a smile on her lips. Thankfully the man seemed to think along the same line of thought she did but something bothered her. He had said his race was sensitive to black crystal, that wasn’t sitting right with her. She had heard of other races having similar issues but it was something Silvia never had to deal with; always feeling fine around the crystals no matter their color or size. It perplexed her and she wondered if there was anything she could do to help. She liked having Ailen as second in command of security but he was a T-1, he should have a tower. Taking a deep breath she leaned back in her chair and started thumbing through the file that was personally Ailens. Biting her bottom lip as she read and letting out a deep sigh as she read. It was horrid to see what all Tristan had caused just with her own eyes but this was worse than she ever expected. He had actually caused deaths and trauma to people in and out of the tower. This report alone should have been enough to have him removed long ago. Closing the file she rubbed her temples, obviously this had not gotten out and it angered her more than she already had been today. “Hell of a first day on the job,” she muttered under her breath. Setting the file to the side she went back to work organizing transports and sending a few out while Ailen was retrieving this Jun’Krama. As they walked in she stopped what she was doing and rose from her place. Tilting her head to the side slightly as she looked at him, he was huge. She had met plenty of people that were taller than her. It came with her being as short as she was but he looked like he could turn her into a meal if he wanted to. Shrugging her shoulders slightly as Ailen and the Jun’Krama watched the tape before smirking as she watched herself punch Tristan. “That felt so good to hit that s.o.b.,” she said with a laugh before stepping over to them and nodded her head slightly. “Yes, one shipment was smuggled already earlier and should be unloading right now,” she said as she looked him in the eyes. Noting he was not dressed like any talent and carried a sword she decided it was best not to use her talents to make herself eye level with the man. Pulling out a chair she climbed into to take care of the height difference and locked eyes with him. “That will be the last smuggled delivery; the rest will be delivered over the next week by normal means and proper channels. All food, supplies and repair equipment to get your village back up to speed. You will be recredited for all past orders that you no longer need to prevent an oversupply, which your village can use for whatever the village needs,” she said in a serious tone before stepping down out of the chair and looking over at Ailen. “From what I am seeing of Tristans Tyrany, I want multiple Basics on the file uploading. I want it all ready by tomorrow. The sooner we can get this fucker off world the better,” she said to Ailen before sitting back in the seat. “Sorry to cut this short but I have a Tower to fix. Craig, please make sure that the Jun’Krama is afforded the same respect and access to the Tower as all other lead officials of the other cities of Altenia. No Lead, Talent or Not, should be treated with any less respect than they deserve for their position,” she quipped as she set up for another catch from off world. Craig looked at her slightly shocked that she would openly give the Jun’Krama such access but he was more impressed that she hadn’t flinched in his presence. She spoke to him like he was anyone else, no arrogance from her voice. She spoke to the Jun’Krama like she had Craig and Ailen and the rest of the staff. A Tower Lead without arrogance was something he had never seen; even the kinder ones had an air about them that Silvia was lacking. Just who was this woman? Silvia worked as she spoke, the generators not powering up for some of the catches, which made some of the staff worry until she showed that she could handle the smaller vessel unaided; one of them asking where she had learned to do that. Once she had finished the docking of the latest vessel she looked over to the Talent at the com. “Earth Tower is old, much of the time we have no generators or even power but we still have to make catches. Sometimes you just have to use what you have instead of relying on anything else; if you don’t people die.” Looking over towards Ailen and The Jun’Krama she smiled slightly. “If you would like, Ailen can take you down to the docks to go through what your village needs right away and what you would like credited back to the village account. That way nothing is missed,” she said. It may have been rude for her to work while talking to the Jun’Krama but Silvia had no time for pleasantries. There was too much work to be done and she honestly didn’t care if she offended anyone. Peoples supplies for survival were far more important to her than bows and the like.