Sentinel stood in solemn silence as he listened. He could hear her movements more clearly than he could see the stars in the night sky. [i]Rhea.[/i] Isaac thought with a sigh. When he heard her walking up the stairs before, he hadn't made her much mind. He thought she would just keep walking; even when she found the S. That thought didn't last long. His superhuman hearing made sure he understood her very well when she spoke. It was like a whisper. The kind of sound a person makes when they don't want to be heard, but can't help but speak. Sentinel sat back down on his bed once more, his eyes locked on the door. Isaac could hear her footsteps. She was coming up the stairs right about now. What was she going to say? She didn't sound angry when she spoke to the shirt. But then, why else would she want to come talk to the walking hand grenade other than to yell at him? Her footsteps stopped. Now Cell was close enough that Sentinel could hear her very heartbeat. When she first spoke his name, Sentinel didn't move. If she wanted in, if she wanted to talk to Isaac, she'd need to do better than that. The Kryptonian wasn't exactly jumping at the opportunity to talk to someone right now. He was having a moment of weakness. Those seemed to be getting more and more regular, which was a frightening prospect. Isaac despised his own weakness more than the failings of any other person. Rhea called again. Sentinel didn't move. She asked if she could come in. To Cell's credit, that was the most polite anyone had been when asking Sentinel for something in a long time. Isaac stood, moving as silently as a phantom toward the door. She spoke of tea. Rhea wanted to talk about something...over tea. She was definitely European. Sentinel's hand engulfed the door knob. He didn't move, debating whether he should open the door. This could be the worst choice he'd ever make, or the best. Whether or not to open the door. To release the lock, and open the proverbial flood gate to his heart and soul. If Isaac opened himself up to Rhea... ...What's the worst that could happen? She turns out to be here to twist the knife a bit further? Sentinel could squash her like an ant beneath his boot. Maybe his teammates start to talk. Start to whisper. Sentinel has a weakness. Whatever. If things kept going the way they are, 'Sentinel' wouldn't be around much longer. Isaac Grant wouldn't need to worry about what the Titans thought of their biggest liability. Isaac turned the door knob. He forced a polite smile onto his face as he looked down at Rhea. At first, Isaac was worried his appearance might frighten her. After all, he had a giant hole in his shirt and a couple of nasty looking cuts on his chest. Sentinel's worries seemed unfounded as he noticed that Rhea's robe was covered in blood; at least he wasn't the only one who needed a new costume. [color=6ecff6]"Uhm,"[/color] He began. [color=6ecff6]"Please. Come in."[/color] Sentinel opened the door and allowed Rhea into his humble abode. The room was pretty bare. The closest was open and empty. His bed looked like it hadn't been used since the day Sentinel arrived. Sentinel's uniform was strewn out over the floor next to the large window on the opposite side of the room. Yes, rather bare bones indeed. 'Course Isaac never used it so the accessories didn't matter. Grant took a seat on his bed and patted the spot next to him. [color=6ecff6]"Sooo..."[/color] Isaac began before pausing. What was he supposed to say? 'Hey, I noticed that you were just as much of an emotional wreck as I am. Want to share depressing origin stories and cry for a little while?' Yeaaahhhh. No. [color=6ecff6] "What kind of tea is it?"[/color] At least tea was a good conversation starter.