Evan could feel the weight of Sentinel's words as he excused himself to his bunk, descending down to the quarters in the floor below. Part of him wanted to go and talk to the big guy, heck maybe even learn his name so he didn't have to keep making up ones for him. It was well beyond Evan's understanding why Sentinel felt the need to keep his identity such a secret, it's not like Batman had trained the guy. Perhaps he had an embarrassing childhood, though an alien living out of New Krypton surely had bigger things to worry about than the Titans digging up photos of him dressed in his sister's outfit. That was if he had a sister, or if he even grew up in New Krypton. Perhaps he grew up on a farm in Kansas? [I]Ha, that'd be rich. A powerhouse like that growing up in the cream corn capital.[/I] Evan thought to himself becoming distracted at the amusing train of thought only for his glass of wine to be precisely extracted from his fingers by the team's resident spunky brunette. Turning his violet blue eyes on Ariel, Evander bit his bottom lip as the girl threw a wink back at him and made her way away from him. "Hate to see you go, love to watch you leave." He muttered beneath his breath as he reached around to the cupboard for a third glass and began to pour himself yet another drink. "Plenty more if you want another Ari." He called after Whirlpool before turning to the rest of the group, his nose wrinkling in disgust as Rhea prepared tea for herself and Sentinel before departing. "Simone?" Evan asked looking towards his favourite sharp shooter. "How about a drink to take the edge off?" He reached into the fridge, producing another bottle. "Oh I also have this, gift from a Scandinavian friend, long blonde hair, big hammer..." He trailed off before turning to Luke quickly. "I think you'd like him." He added pulling out a mug. "Either way it's mead." He paused looking at the rest of the Titans gathered before him. "Don't tell Rose." He said mischievously. Putting the bottle of mead down, Evan held his flute of wine up to the group and proposed a toast. "To the first of many missions and screw ups!" He yelled walking over to a panel on the wall. Tapping a few buttons, music suddenly began to blare from the speakers around the room as the shirtless demigod began to dance. "Now then, I believe it has been declared that you all need to get down with your badselves!"