[center] [h1][color=7bcdc8]William Cresthall[/color][/h1] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/58a02bbc78571244a52ece440e167d07/tumblr_nc831ww6671tmqks6o1_500.jpg [/img] [h3][color=7bcdc8]If it’s strength you wish of me, then stand tall I shall. But a willow I will be, partial to the swaying whims of the wind, and retaining the ability to weep. Never where you may see however, for saltwater is a weakening bane.[/color][/h3] [b][color=7bcdc8]Age[/color][/b] 18 [b][color=7bcdc8]Sex/Gender Identity[/color][/b] Male [b][color=7bcdc8]Sexual/Romantic Preference[/color][/b] Demisexual; Panromantic [b][color=7bcdc8]School Year[/color][/b] 3rd-Year High School Pro/[b]Anti[/b]/Neutral Match [/center] [hr] [center][b][color=7bcdc8]Likes[/color][/b] – Sunlight – – Others’ joy – – Having time to himself – [b][color=7bcdc8]Dislikes[/color][/b] – Melodramatics – – Immaturity – – Hypocrisy; Injustice – [b][color=7bcdc8]Hobbies[/color][/b] – Listening to music – – Writing; Reading – [b][color=7bcdc8]Fears[/color][/b] – That he may chase away the people he holds dear. – – Dying young – – Waking, and finding he is not sure of who is (or should act as) anymore –[/center] [hr] [center] [b][color=7bcdc8]Personality[/color][/b] Cheerful | Easy-going | A people-pleaser | Strives to maintain harmony | Calm demeanour | Has fire in his blood for when stoked | In his head sometimes [b][color=7bcdc8]Biography[/color][/b] William’s quite the unassuming boy. Coming from parents who were several nuances of detached in marriage, he has witnessed them arguing before, but not enough that it was a common occurrence in the Cresthall household. Each incident of their conflicts – few though they were relatively – would leave him badly-shaken, perhaps more so than strictly necessarily. But it was nothing he could help. For all intents and purposes, William is mature, with many years of experience in handling his younger and admittedly wild, out-of-hand sister. His father had high expectations of him, and his mother countered them with constant reassurances that, [i]“Trying your best is all that matters.”[/i] Their parenting styles did not align, but William found that as long as he did his best [i]and[/i] the best, they would have nothing to argue about. William has had a history of being whatever anyone else needed of him – a listening ear, a shoulder that would begin dry but inevitably end damp, a body to lean on. He’s never minded, really, but he does wish that those people who approached him, with some sort of ailment or ache about them, would not leave so casually, once their tears were shed and their laments spilled. But this seems so selfish to say, so William has kept it close to his chest. William has not been in a relationship before, so Ivy Wood Academy is sure to be an experience for him. He doesn’t believe, however, that the match programme will be able to pair him with someone, and expect that they will immediately click. You might say he is a demiromantic, but he is of the mind that a durable relationship of any sort can only be built on a proper foundation, in which both partners know exactly what they’re getting into. But he is all up for being proved wrong.[/center] [center] [b][color=7bcdc8]Extras[/color][/b] With black tousled hair that would appear mahogany under glaring light, William stands at 185cm (6'1") and is rather slim. He is partial to domesticated, furry mammals. He does not really take to the nickname Will. [hider=Bleeding Out] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJEoxeW7JvQ[/youtube] [/hider] [/center]