[quote=@boomlover] [@Scout] Huh thanks scout. ITs just so Annoying and free rollplay has Jack shit. [/quote] It does for people who don't like to play down there. To each their own, but I know a lot of people can't stand those single line things... It makes it feel so... I dunno, I just can't immerse myself in it. But if that's what you like, hey, who am I to judge? On the other hand, there's the low-mid-high Casual. It'd be nice to have it broken down less into free-casual-advanced and have at least one more category, y'know? [@Israphel] Yes. Ugh. I hate that. I make sure the problems I know I need to work on are known before I start playing with somebody. I tend to lose focus and repeat words (despite how much I hate reading that kind of thing) or I type faster than my brain can put a sentence together so it comes out kinda wonky... But I acknowledge and try to work on that. :p