Xaven stood, dripping water off him as he stood, feeling her turning around, leaning back against him, which got her a tight squeeze of his arms around her. "deal" when she said they were going together once. "no one been able to beat you yet, you might set a different record to beat" he grinned as she would climb up onto the diving board. when she turned and faced him, he knew what she was doing. "love you Nessie" winking before she jumped off backwards, he held his breath as she made one flip, then when she hit too he yelled out. "YEA!!" rushing forward, toward the edge of the dock. when she surfaced he smiled. "nice!!" he said, reaching a hand down to help pull her up and out of the water. "that was two complete Saltos.. two, you just broke your own record and set another" laughing in excitement. once he had her up, he moved to the diving board, climbing up onto it. rubbing his hands together. "alright" rolling his shoulders, popping his neck as he waited at the back end, near the steps before he ran forward fast, reaching the very end before he lept up, planting both feet and the board bending, before it snapped right back up quick, sending Xaven flying into the air, where he did one full front flip before he straightened out. he was more for the height as he came down, his out over his head as he dove right into the water, and was gone as he shot down into the black depths. not wanting to swim to the bottom he twisted and kicked back toward the surface. "how high did i get?" he asked, swimming toward the edge to climb back out.