As the door opened in front of her, Rhea looked up at the rather tall man in front of her. [color=aba000]"Thank you."[/color] Rhea smiled, her eyes partially hidden by the hood that almost always covered the majority of her face. Okay, what did that book say again? Oh, yeah! [color=aba000]"It's good to be seein' ya tonight."[/color] she mumbled her awkward greeting before proceeding to the spot where Sentinel had gestured for her to sit. Once she had made herself comfortable, Rhea removed her hood, now surveying the room. It was simple, homey and clean-- well, aside from the uniform that was left upon the cold floor. [color=aba000]"I pray that ye wud excuse my appearance-- 'im not really dressed for tea."[/color] she chuckled, pouring the contents of the pot into the two cups. Suddenly, her attention snapped back to Sentinel, realizing that he had asked her a question. [color=aba000]"Oh, dis be earl grey. 'Tis me favourite."[/color] A pregnant pause emanated between the two, the tense atmosphere dancing stark naked in joy as Rhea lost anything she could say. Then, Rhea blatantly chuckled softly as her eyes trailed down on the boy beside her. Suddenly, the awkward look on Rhea's face increased as she tried to stifle her giggles. [color=aba000]"I apologize. My guidebook don't say nothin' after da tea conversation. You're da first one I tried it on... and I'm happy dat you accepted me efforts. I'm happy that even tho' dis be da first time we talked, you're kind to lil'o me."[/color] Rhea smiled widely before her eyes went back to observing the room. Their rooms looked, more or less, the same. Of course, Sentinel's room didn't have a poster of a cat hanging from a branch saying 'Mewow! Keep Hanging!'. Then, there's the chalkboard in front of her small bed. [color=aba000]"I be likin' yer room. It looks similar to mine. Simple, clean and homey."[/color] Rhea lifted the cup to her lips, blowing on it before taking a sip, a relaxed sigh escaping her. Then, she looked up at Sentinel with a grin. If there was something that differed between the two of their rooms, it was the moonlight that seeped so generously into the bare quarters. That same light shone softly on Sentinel, causing his red hair to shine ever so gracefully, revealing elegance that the others might have failed to see. To add to that, his skin looked almost like porcelain, his strong-looking jaw augmenting his already formidable appearance. Somehow... he reminded her of [i]him[/i]. Now... now was the time to put those English lessons to use. [color=aba000]"I came here not as a fellow titan."[/color] Rhea began, her eyes focusing on the scars that were visible on his chest. They were slowly healing, though. [color=aba000]"I came here as a fellow sentient being."[/color] She was careful not to say 'human', knowing that it would probably be an insult to Sentinel for Rhea to compare her race to his. [color=aba000]"I believe that Rose went overboard wid 'er comment and dat some of our team-mates forgot to take der chill pill. Out of everyone in the team, ye probably did most of the damage on Lobo. In fact, I think you had something in mind when you dragged that criminal away from us. I'd like to believe dat ye were looking out for the team but... I could be wrong."[/color] The teapot's contents were emptied once more as Rhea took another a sip. [color=aba000]"Sure, we made a breach of protocol but ain't dat part of learning-- making mistakes? I know I can't compare my experiences to ye but... when I first tried my power of manipulatin' cells, my friend got cancer."[/color] Rhea looked at Sentinel, trying to see whether his eyes were bored or not. [color=aba000]"Okay, you got me... Four other people got cancer after that. It was terrible for me, y'know? People trusted me to save their lives but all I did is make dem suffer. Just because ye stumbled don't mean dat you're lost. It simply means that ye have to try harder."[/color] By this time, Rhea's eyes were not on the teen but on the spectacular view of the city lights outside. [color=aba000]"An arrow has to be pulled back before it is launched into greater heights."[/color] Rhea exhaled deeply, letting her fingers comb through her chestnut hair. [color=aba000]"The point is... I think that our colleagues just don't understand you; heck, even I dun understand ye. Dey might not be interested in hearing your side of the story but... I am, if only to understand the strong and terrific sentient being in front of me. So, if you'd like to talk or anything, I'm all ears."[/color] Rhea revealed her talent, moving her ears with a smile. [color=aba000]"Yer not alone, y'know? Ye dun need to go through dis alone."[/color] A slight chuckle escaped her lips before her eyes focused on the wound on his chest. [color=aba000]"If it's a'right with ye, I'll heal the cuts on your chest, Sentinel."[/color] Rhea offered, taking off her gloves, signifying that there would be some physical contact involved. She wanted to be useful for once since she was as useful as a matchstick in a rain during their bout with Lobo. [color=aba000]"Dun worry, cancer ain't part of de package. I promise. I trained a lot, like... a lot. Like, you wouldn't believe my efforts. Well, probably, cancer ain't existin' with yer race."[/color] Suddenly, an idea formed in her mind. If this conversation didn't go the way she planned, then, there was no use of them suffering the whims of social convention of prolonging small talk. If Sentinel won't talk, then, she'd just heal him up and leave. However, if he did spill his vulnerability, then, Rhea would never leave him hanging. She would do everything she can to make sure that this misunderstood persona would find his place in his team-- no, [i]their[/i] team.