Cia followed the young boy not wanting to be ignored at all. "It was a joke! I was born with deformed arms that had to be amputated." Cia said as she stayed at the boys side. Their age difference was obvious as Cia was taller than this boy. "I'm just messing with you anyways." Cia added with a smile at the boy. "Anyways as for what's happened you need to pick up a newspaper for the whole story." Cia said pointing her head to a stack of newspapers from where she was sitting. Cia added as she finally gave him some sort of information. Cia had been trying to find some kind of dirt or even a lead on the President but she found nothing so far. There were variouse sections highlighted on the newspapers as well about Callahan. [@Sir Avita] (Never leave in the middle of a conversation it is extremely rude, you wait patiently for us to reply)