The silence hung around the group almost oppressively after they all stated their opinions. All eyes drifted towards the Drell who was not looking at any of them. Nikusill was looking down at the Striker in his hands running nimble fingers across it making sure it was not damaged in the explosion. You could hear the [i]pop[/i] as he fingered the release peering down at the heat sink, taking the pistol he turned it upside down and there was a [i]plop plop plop[/i] as coolant dripped out of the gun hitting the ground the chemicals fizzled against the metal evaporating into the dark.Clunk, the metal slide was slammed back into place as he finally looked up and peered at Ardan. Analyzing, pulling apart just through eyesight as he took the entirety of the turian in before dissecting him in his mind, he listened to the others opinions all making valid points but in the end it was up to him. [color=cyan]”You’re in. But that does not mean I owe you anything. You fuck up you deal with it. You show bad discipline with your explosives and somebody gets hurt? I’ll be the one that puts the bullet through your skull.”[/color] The Drell explained voice automatic and cold this was business after all. Soon afterwards the Krogan manning the wall sauntered up to them, his armor covered in old blood that had been plastered layer after layer atop. He was huge dwarfing both the turians and being wider than the both of them standing side by side. The large shotgun he was carrying jet black in color was as thick as Nik’s arm and just about as long and the lizard carried it in one idly between two fingers. He introduced himself to the group as Krag, he explained that the continued attacks against their fortifications had been going on solidly for the past two days as the Crimson Fist tried to break through to flank Jek’s main force. Though so far all the main fortifications had held as Sirn had only been sending his grunts forward desperate gangsters that he could pay off by the hundred to go hit into their fortifications again and again to soften them up enough for the real Crimson Fist soldiers to walk in and slaughter any that stood in their way. [color=cyan]”So you are pretty much just waiting to get killed.”[/color] Nik asked as his mind warped around the situation trying to figure out a plan. [color=orange]”That’s about right. Unless of course Jek finds out a way to break through their lines. Which I believe is where you and your team is going to be helping.”[/color] Krag explained as he gestured towards them with no pomp. In truth Krag knew that was exactly what Jek was planning and he also knew that it was most likely a suicide mission. It was a shame to as the Drell and his companions didn't seem like too bad of people at all. [color=cyan]”Hmm I see. Well I guess we shouldn't keep him waiting.”[/color] Nik voiced and at that moment a screaming sphere of crimson shot into the air lazily like a drunken fireball. Another flare, another attack. Krag looked up and cursed getting to his feet and gripping his shotgun. A Salarian peered over the wall of the fortification and shouted down to them. [color=yellow]”Krag we got more Crimson Fist coming our way. A whole group of them maybe thirty all together. These are’nt the gangbangers either these are the real deal and they are packing!”[/color] The Salarian yelled down to his superior, looking back and forth in a worried fashion. Krag laughed a deep and hearty laugh that only a man born and raised in conflict could produce in such a situation as an almost manic grin appeared on his face as he shouted in a loud voice that echoed across the campsite. [color=orange]”So it is time for the real battle? Good! Very Good! Raise Boys! Today we fight! Today we die!”[/color] Krag’s men cheered and all began rushing to their respective defensive positions. Scrambling from eating food and checking weapons to their positions. Even the men injured with missing limbs and bleeding out in the medical area rose to their feet leaning on one another as they grabbed their weapons and rushed towards the wall. They were prepping for their final glorious stand. Krag looked back at Nik and his squad and spoke. [color=orange]”You should go this is not your place to die. Follow the road and it will lead to Jek. Tell him Krag will kill him when he is dead.”[/color] Nik nodded to the Krogan grasping him by the shoulders and slamming his head against his crest plate. Nik stepped back skin torn on the hard scales and blood dripping down but he did not look in pain rather he and Krag laughed. Nik in his years working undercover for C-Sec had learned the mannerism of many a species and a lot of those being Krogan many of which he adopted into his own brutal berserker like style. [color=orange]”I like you Drell. Now go!”[/color] [color=cyan]”Don’t need to tell us twice!”[/color] Nik nodded and motioned to his squad to follow him away from the fortification as Krag rushed towards the wall as symphony of gunfire began its opening orchestration. Explosions illuminating the darkness as they progressed further and further away from them through the empty forlorn streets and abandoned buildings. As they moved away the Drell spoke aloud to the rest of the group. [color=cyan]”Almost there... This job is becoming more and more complicated by the minute.”[/color]