[b]*Clang*[/b] Sel tossed the bent scalpel into the bin for reprocessing, the fragile things could not take much punishment but they were sharp... Still clearing the draws out was a boring job compared to what the others were likely doing on the surface of the planet but as everyone else in her profession she was ordered to stay back until everything was safe. She understood why too, given the state of the planet her kind of people were valuable to finding out just what happened here, so making sure everything was safe was paramount... Still.... [color=fdc68a][b]"Sigh, what a bother."[/b][/color] "Hey, Sel? You have a moment?" Turning to Rayland she couldn't help but smile a little at the prospect of some company [color=fdc68a][b]"I do as long as I am kept here. Would you like something to drink while you are here?" [/b][/color]She gestured to the seat just beside her office chair. [color=fdc68a][b]"Was there something you wanted to speak to me about? I do hope it is not more bad news."[/b][/color] Reaching into the fridge she pulled out a can which had the vexi logo on it, she did wait to see if he wanted a drink before taking out another can with a small stylized human face on it if he did want one.