As soon as Rose gave the order Zane hurried back to the T-Wing. Something was off, he could only describe the shared feeling as failure. Zane felt that, maybe if he did more or tired something else it could have changed the outcome. But in reality he knew that what happened happened and now they had to deal with the consequences. Now they flew home in a tense silence. No one said anything, but a conversation was still going on, this one was more silent and it conveyed the anger and disappointment we had in each other. As they came into the hanger, everyone got ff in silence, Ariel walked towards the elevator, she looked upset. Evan was next, he shot up the stairs shirtless without any word. Zane was not to far behind her as they all got into the elevator. While they went up Zane tried to wrap his mind around what went wrong. They had good team work, they had been living together for a while, trained, sweat and bled together, but something was missing. Getting out of the elevator, Evan sat there making a toast to their "victory". This made Rose snap, she entered into her monologue with one in message in mind, today was not a win, and we had a lot of work to do. Zane wondered why she pit the failure on Sentinel, He had a part to play in their down fall but he is not the primary reason. The real reason, in Zane's opinion, that they failed was that they lacked one key component every great team had: a bond. They had been together but could they even call them selves friends, no just team mates. What his team needed was a night to have fun and get to know each other and develop some kind of friendship. If they could not make some kind of bond then the team itself was going no where and Zane knew this. After she left, Sentinel left too. He looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He needed a friend but Zane was not in the mood to possibly get hurt so he left him be. Then Rhea made some tea and left with it. Soon after, Zane looked over and Evan was playing music and "getting down". Zane chuckled and took out his wand. "[i]Lausac Sehtolc[/i]." The spell changed his outfit to a red shirt with a black Z on the front, black basket ball shorts, and black ankle socks. He went into the kitchen and saw the glass on the floor. "[i]Riaper[/i]." He said with a whisper and the glass re-formed itself in his hand with the drink still in it. Zane poured it out into sink in the kitchen and put the glass in there too. He then took a seat with milk, his Cinnamon Toast Crunch and a spoon and bowl. He made himself a bowl of cereal and looked at his team mates. "Well guys lets be "teens" for the night. Come on lets eat and talk, and try to be friends."