[b][center]Mor of Altenia Tower[/center][/b] Silvia sat in the Mor looking over various paper work and sighing documents for this and that. It seemed that not only did Tristan not do his job he didn’t even bother to file anything with GTC to make it appear like he was working. The entire system was so screwed up Silvia was beginning to loose what little patience she had and felt like just setting the entire room on fire and saying [i]screw it, we’ll start fresh when they build a new tower[/i]. She knew that wasn’t an option but one could dream couldn’t they. Despite the days and probably weeks of boring paper work to do the staff seemed rather upbeat considering. Silvia chalked it up to them just being glad Tristan was not in the Mor right then. Though when she heard two security techs laughing uncontrollably she felt it was a bit much even for such a [i]joyous[/i] occasion. Rising from her seat she walked over to them and crossed her arms over her chest as she eyed the two. “Mind telling me what is so funny?” she barked from behind them. They had been too busy laughing to even notice that she had come up behind them and the sudden question made them jump. “Oh, um, nothing ma’am,” one stuttered as he rose from his chair nervously, the other just looked like a deer caught in headlights. Silvia perked a brow and looked over at the monitor, tilting her head to the side slightly before looking back over at the one that was standing. “That doesn’t look like nothing,” she said in a cold voice. “I..um…” he stuttered once again. Silvia motioned for him to move out of her way and he did so quickly but it was obvious the last thing he wanted to do was let her see what they were joking about. Sitting down she backed up the recording to the beginning of the last thing they replayed, both men gulping slightly as beads of sweat formed on their brows. Silvia watched the exchange between Ailen and The Jun’Krama. “Oh really….” She hissed. “So that’s how things go in this Tower….” She said before rising from her place and looking back over at the two that had drawn her attention, rising up telekinetically so she could look them both in the eye. “I take it this was what you found so funny?” she spat. “Now get back to work!” she said as she looked at them, her face enraged. Lowering herself she found several other members chuckling as the two had apparently put the entire thing on a loop and broadcast it to every terminal in the Tower. Taking a deep breath and resisting the urge to throw each of them out of the top of the tower she walked over to the Tower Lead Chair and sat down before opening her com. “Ailen, would you and the Jun’Krama retrieve our newest arrival from Dock 3 and then make your way back up here. I have somethings I need to go over with both of you,” she said in a rather irritated voice. Turning off the com she placed her hands on the crystal receivers and powered up the crystal generators for the next catch. “Tower Lead Belin for Bast’i set to throw to Altenian Tower. You ready Tristan?” a voice came over the speakers. “That’s Tower Lead Silvia,” she quickly corrected and the monitor flashed on to show the Bast’i Tower Lead looking rather confused. “Where’s Tristan?” the man asked perplexed. “Indisposed. Ready for the toss?” Silvia responded quickly. “Um, yeah Tower Lead Silvia, here she comes,” Belin answered before Silvia felt the tunneling pull of the toss. Concentrating she caught the transport vessel and took control of the T&C from there on out, resting it down in dock 3. “Tower Altenia has received and docked transport vessel from Bast’i Tower,” she said as she removed her hands from the contacts and sat back in her chair. “Okay, transport contains Engineer Jeremiah Strong, he’s your problem now and welcome to the Tower Circuit Silvia,” Belin said with an odd grin on his face. Silvia rolled her eyes slightly and then nodded before cutting the transmission and rubbing her face slightly out of frustration. “Time to put some fuckers in their place,” she muttered under her breath as she kept hearing periodical giggles from the peanut gallery.