[center][h1]League of Free Maritime Cities[/h1][/center] [b]Nations Name:[/b] The League of Free Maritime Cities [b]Flag: [/b] [hider=Flag] [img]http://ih0.redbubble.net/image.40509954.1238/fc,220x200,royal_blue.u2.jpg[/img] It's supposed to be square by the way. [/hider] [b]Form of Government:[/b] Loose federation of city-states with various forms of government. Most are oligarchic or quasi-democratic. Central government operates as a Parliament with an elected, constitutional monarchy at its head. [b]Describe the System:[/b] The League is made up of a number of city-states and their territories. Each has its own local government, with great local autonomy. The Senate, the central governing body of the League, consists of elected representatives from each city. These coordinate foreign policy as a whole, though individual cities are not restricted to interaction with foreign powers through the Senate only - they will frequently operate by themselves. In reality, the League is more a loose international coalition than a single nation. The Senate elects a High Doge over the League, a constitutional monarch who's role is to chair the Senate meetings and represent the League's interests with other powers. The election system operates in much the same way as the Holy Roman Empire's did in the real world, though the High Doge's position is more precarious - he can be voted out of office by a simple majority in the Senate. The Senate also elects individuals to positions of responsibility - for example, Lord High Admiral of the Fleets. Cities may put forward one candidate for each position. There are few federal laws, as cities prefer to maintain extensive local autonomy. Any federal policy must be passed through the Senate with a super-majority. [b]Location on Map Desired:[/b] WIP. Preferably somewhere like the Dalmatian coastline - lots of islands and inlets, with some mountains. All cities are (and must be) coastal, hence [i]Maritime[/i] cities. [b]Capital:[/b] No [i]de jure[/i] capital. However, the Senate is located in Asimi, the most powerful city and [i]de facto[/i] capital. [b]Important Settlements:[/b] Asimi - Most powerful and populous of the cities. Holds much influence in the Senate. Home of the current High Doge. Igetia - Second most powerful city in the League. Often at odds with Asimi, and main political rival. Defteros - Third most powerful city. Often holds the balance of power in the Senate, siding with either Asimi or Igetia to better its own position. [b]History:[/b] [hider=History] •Founding: The origins of the League of Free Maritime Cities come from the ancient Asimian Empire. Asimi, one of the oldest cities in the region, established a number of colonies and fought several wars with the surrounding powers, eventually dominating the coastline of much of its home continent. However, because of Asimi’s extensive diplomatic and mercantile relationships with other ancient nations and tribes, several far sighted members of the government (there is no record of their ever having been an absolute monarch in ancient Asimian texts) were able to predict the unrest and rebellion caused by exerting direct control over a political entity’s possessions and were instead able to promote more autonomy for the colonies as an alternative. This culminated in the First Treaty of Asimi, in which important colonies such as Defteros and Chrysos (a gold-mining colony) were granted practical independence under a strong alliance and free-trading pact. All signatories of the Treaty, a total of 7 different cities, were given seats in the central government (the Senate) and the Asimian Empire was divided into zones of influence. Although the Treaty was viewed by some as a bed deal for the Asimians, the city was able to retain the highest level of control over its ‘equal’ counterparts, almost total monopoly over internal trade for around 150 years, and received the largest zone of direct control. •Early Domestic Struggles: The earliest internal conflict came about when the southern portion of the direct zone of control of the city of Derma attempted to achieve recognition as a separate entity within the League, under the leadership of the city of Aposchi (app-oss-chee). This resulted in the League Civil War, with supporters of Aposchi (including Asimi, as the internal government of Asimi believe a more divided League would be easier to control) on one side, and cities which were attempting to exert more direct control over their respective zones on the other (including Derma and Marmaro). Eventually embargoes and blockades of Derma’s supporters forced them to withdraw support for the suppression of Aposchi, and a direct assault upon Derma by Asimian-led coalition forces caused the Derman government to capitulate. A new government was put in place and made to recognise Aposchi as an independent city, with its own zone lines being draw at an emergency Senate meeting in Defteros. To this day, this conflict remains the greatest dividing influence within the League. •Early Foreign Struggles: Modern Igetian historians attribute the continued survival of the League to the unifying force imposed by the period of League history known as the Great Insurgency, when barbarian tribes from the surrounding lands migrated into League-held territory. Just 1 year after the establishment of Aposchi, these barbarians invaded both it and its northern neighbour Derma, besieging both cities and overrunning much of their zones. However, a decisive joint victory by Aposchian and Derman ships over the barbarian fleet off the small town of Symvivasei in the northern part of the Aposchi-governed zone secured time for a coalition of Asimian, Defterosian and Marmaron reinforcements to arrive. A year later, the Treaty of Symvivasei was signed with the barbarians, which, in a clever diplomatic move by the Asimian High Doge, secured the withdrawal of the barbarian tribes from the League’s territories by covertly convoying them south towards the lands of another regional rival, the larger and more militaristic Hillic Empire (long since extinct by now). •Cultural Trends: As the League at this point predominantly spoke Asimian, cultural development of language was slow and relatively unimportant. Some cities developed an accent, or different common phrases and nicknames for different things, but overall language was not an issue. The religious aspects of the culture refined itself during this period, with the ancient scriptures of the Asimian faith being shared and produced in greater quantity. During the Civil War, an attempt was made by Derma to alienate Aposchi from the other cities by accusing their minor doctrinal differences of being heretic, but this did not result in any kind of schism or divide in the Asimian faith. •Middle Domestic Struggles: During the middle period of League history, the accession of Ignetia in the Ignetian Accession Crisis caused a great deal of internal strife, almost culminating in a second civil war. The constitution of the League permitted the accession of other cities with their own zones, but Igetia was already a rising power and it was thought by many that the inclusion of such an entity within the League would destabilise the balance of power. Asimi in particular opposed its accession. However, as Igetia was strongly influenced by Asimian culture and had long held strong trade agreements with individual cities in the League, the vote in the Senate resulted in a narrow ‘yes’ decision. Asimi was prepared to intervene with military force, but this only served to alienate the other cities as the threat was deemed unconstitutional. Defteros and the similarly rising Lina in particular supported Ignetian accession, hoping to challenge Asimian hegemony and achieve their own dominance. This eventually culminated in the Treaty of Marmaron, where Asimi assented to the inclusion of Ignetia on the condition that a 50-year limit to 60 ships be imposed upon the new zone. The Ignetian Accession Crisis is deemed to be the main reason for the relative decline of Asimi as the foremost power in the League – with population decline coupled with an overstretched naval force, Defteros, Lina and Ignetia rose to fill the power vacuum. •Middle Foreign Struggles: At the crucial point during the partial power transfer from Asimi to Defteros and Ignetia when their militaries and trading fleet were approximately equal, the decision to acquire the iron-rich lands on the coast of the Hillic Empire by military force was made. However, despite the collapsing of the Hillic civilisation coupled with the force of the League’s fleet, internal division between Asimi and Ignetia and poor, inexperienced leadership resulted in a catastrophic failure and embarrassing withdrawal. The Hillics, suffering from their own internal division and foreign invasion unknown to the League, were unable to militarily respond, especially with the League-aligned tribes on their northern border breathing down their neck. •Middle Cultural Trends: A cultural revolution occurred during the middle period of League history, with the decline in Asimian influence and the growth of Ignetia’s. Ignetian culture, though heavily influence by Asimi, nevertheless exhibited several differences. These included shoes turned-up at the toe and shorter tunics and robes, sharply different to the traditional long robes and mantles of Asimi. Religion changed little during this time, though minor doctrinal differences increased in size and distribution. A small sect based in Chrysos did attempt to split off from the Asimian faith, but it was largely marginalised and became increasingly unpopular as time went on. [/hider] [b]Description:[/b] (Describe your nation. Culture, language, currency etc.) - Culture: The culture of the League is varied in some ways between cities. However, every member city-state is linked closely with the sea - the League has a powerful fleet and is a centre of maritime commerce. Shipbuilding is a major industry and fishermen and sailors make up a large percentage of the population. - Language: The League, as a descendant of the Asimian Empire, mostly speaks Asimian. (This will be represented by Greek in the rp) - Currency: The Argentum is the currency of the League, as one of the few federal laws maintains a currency union. - Architecture: Marble is a favoured building material, but is usually reserved for larger and more important buildings. Most structures are made of stone or brick, but may feature wood or thatch in addition. - Fashion: Linen tunics are the norm in most League cities. They are frequently dyed in shades of blue or green - a cultural link to the sea. Woolen togas or cloaks are a frequent sight, and fur mantles are commonplace. Clothes tend to be long, loose and thin, though opaque. Clothes vary little between men and women, though women may have lower v-necks and frequently dye their clothes in purple. Men usually wear shorter-sleeved and more practical clothing while at sea or in battle. [b]Important Characters: [/b] - High Doge Chorona Marmora - High Lady Miriam Marmora - Senator Metaxa Laticlava (representative of Igetia) - Lord High Admiral Aecora [b]Traits: [/b] Small Army: Your nation maintains a relatively small number of troops, when fielded in battle against another nation your forces are almost always outnumbered. +2 Outdated Army: Your men carry weapons not even your grandfather remembers, muskets misfire more than usual and your training deals with tactics not used in many years. +2 What is Gunpowder?: Your nation lacks any formed of gunpowder based weapons for your army, and is stuck using old crossbows and bows. +4 (Adds stability) Never been out of the village: Your men have almost all never been outside their own borders. Other countries lands and environments are almost alien, especially those on another continent. They will suffer from not being able to deal with weather and being unable to forage as well. +1 Decentralized Army: You have an official head of the army however apart from troop allocation he controls very little. Men fall, under the complete command of their own general and whilst this means that they may react to local problems much faster when trying to organize full scale invasions your army is slow and takes a long time to ready. +/- King of the Seas: Your nation has a glorious Maritime history and a navy that matches, many grand ships fill your docks and sailors are viewed as hero’s in the eye of the public. -3 Poseidon: Your nation has such luck and strength in naval affairs it seems if you are blessed by the gods themselves. Your docks are filled with well built and ships, sailors are viewed as heroes and are more than capable of easily facing the navies of other nations, as well as performing boarding actions. -6 (S) Ships of Line: The largest ships to sail the sea’s are expensive and vast undertakings however your nation has viewed this as a needed expense. Your fleets have a number of these ships.-2 New Age Ship Construction: New ways of shaping the wood and newly discovered types of wood has led to advances in how ships perform. However these come at a cost, making ships more expensive than usual. +/-0 Ambitious Generals: Your generals all want a piece of glory. Sometimes even going to backstabbing each other and arriving to another’s aid ‘late’. +1 Trading Hub: Your country is a nation of traders and merchants, many coins pass through the fingers of your citizens every day, especially through your own after taxes. -3 Army: (Gowia will roll this, navy, GDP and stability.) Navy: GDP: Population: Stability: