JC wondered why the others were so relaxed in the Chinese Restaurant. They couldn't possibly think that the Main Man would be stopped by mud clay, did they? What surprised him the most was the fact that even Rose thought this was all over with. She came back and instantly started with the congratulations. What good was field experience if she didn't even use it? He kept his eyes on the new Lobo statue and noticed the cracks appearing. He knew that this fight wasn't over yet. Soon the action continued as Lobo tried to shoot everyone with his energy shotgun. JC tried to get out of the way while trying to find a good shot, but soon the others got in the way. The battle soon got out of most of their hands as Sentinel decided to play a little game of "Mine" with the enemy by taking the fight elsewhere. He wanted to go after the two, but he realized that he wouldn't be able to catch up without using his ice to glide. He sighed and looked at the rest of the team in the restaurant wondering what they were going to do. Then the Cavalry arrived to answer that question. They weren't going to do anything except for head home. It was about time that they showed up. They should have been there much sooner. Given the speed of Superman, the Flash, Wonder Woman, and the Green Lantern coming here and stopping Lobo would have been done before the Titans would have arrived. Especially considering how quickly they finished things just now. He followed the others to the T-Wing, but stopped at the entrance ramp while looking back at Batman and Rose. He sighed and finally headed inside to get a seat. The ride over was in silence. Everyone seemed to be upset or disappointed in some way. JC? He had his feelings about the situation, but he didn't think about them. Not here at least. He sat in his seat with his eyes closed. When they arrived back at the hangar the others were pretty much in a rush to get off. When they all met what could be considered a debrief he immediately took notice of the cycle of disappointment. Batman was disappointed in Rose. Rose was disappointed in the team as a whole, but part of that disappointment was focused on the Krypto-Psycho. Part of the team's disappointment was aimed at Sentinel and Sentinel was disappointed in himself. It went well with the whole angst thing he had going on. After Rose finished chewing them out she left to go to the War Room leaving them to be normal teenagers. He hated the fact that she said that they couldn't train. Everyone was doing their own little thing now. Sentinel and Rhea left. Sentinel was going to his room to "heal", but it was clearly a cover up for him brooding. Rhea took some tea and left, presumably to her room. The others went to drink and get down with their bad selves. If this was what teens did in their free time he really didn't want to be one any longer. A heavy sigh escaped JC's lips before he stood up and walked out of the room. He didn't bother saying where he was going or what he was doing. They were likely preoccupied with their small party to even notice he was gone. Rose told them to hit the showers and that was exactly what he was going to do. He made his way to the showers and walked right up to the mirror and looked at his reflection. He didn't see himself when he looked in the mirror. He saw the dark path that was placed before him. The path that his shit stain of a father put him on. He saw a spitting image of his father. He lifted his hand to his scarred face and pressed gently against it. A permanent scar for a permanent failure. Like father, like son. [color=ed1c24]"Look at you. You wallow in self-pity. Now you're talking to yourself. How pitiful and weak can you get? You let a small alien get away. You destroyed a mech suit. Big whoop. You're lucky Wonder Woman fixed your mistake. All it would have taken was one simple blast of ice and you would have froze that thing solid."[/color] Jeremiah dropped his arm and stepped back from the mirror. The reflection changed now. He saw himself as appeared. Part of the reason as to why he didn't get much sleep was also because whenever he did he had nightmares. His nightmares were filled with him being what his father wanted him to be. A monster to fit his monstrous appearance. It didn't change. He never once had a peaceful dream. He left the room and made his way to the War Room. He knew that Rose only wanted to be interrupted for emergencies, but he needed to talk to her. If he was going to do this he had to make sure that it was all done right. When he reached the entrance to the room he didn't attempt to knock. He just went inside. [color=ed1c24]"We need to talk."[/color] He stepped further inside not caring what she thought of his intrusion. [color=ed1c24]"The team and its members weren't the only ones who failed today. You did as well. As our leader with the most field experience you have to realize the mistakes that you made here as well instead of putting all of the pressure and fault on the team. You may not have been there during the fight, but you came at the most important part. When the team had this ill-conceived notion of victory. We faced a guy who fought against the League and you didn't suspect that there'd be a round two."[/color] He forgot what his main point was half-way through this. This was the longest he's talked to anyone here and it didn't make him feel good. He could feel his own personal temperature in a constant flux. It didn't know whether or not JC wanted to be hot, cold, chilled, or warm. He wanted her to say something now so that he didn't have to continue with this speech.