Though the urge to sigh in relief was immense, Adam held it in check for appearance’s sake. Confidence could do wonders for morale and hope, both of which would probably be precious in the coming days. The light faded quickly enough to a softer glow that he no longer had to squint and besides a small nose bleed, Rae didn’t seem any worse off for the incident. Maybe a bit shaken up by the experience, but nonetheless undaunted and willing to press on. [color=f7941d]“Good to hear, come on, let’s get going.”[/color] A hand was offered just in case she felt a bit unsteady, but if she refused to take it then Adam would continue on. [color=f7941d]“No idea, no time to find out,”[/color] he remarked towards Rika as the lamia slid closer; damn was it an odd sight to see. [color=f7941d]“And yes, lets.”[/color] It was good to see that the others seemed to be taking all this in stride and fairly well. Hopefully the five of them would be able to make a good pace without incident for a while, though frankly Adam wasn’t too optimistic; things had already gone plenty wrong with this whole world swap in the first place. [@PKMNB0Y][@VitaVitaAR][@Tokki][@WeepingLiberty]