[h3]Duel In Fabletown, Guan Yu Delivers A Cunning Riposte[/h3] "And yet here we stand, Mister Grey, in contradiction and conflict. An interesting battle." These polite barbs bored Guan Yu so. He was a warrior. THE warrior. And yet here was the man cheating him out of life insurance by pretending to be descendent after descendent after descendent. At times like this, he even wished for Zhuge Liang to appear, to manipulate the man into making a mistate for Yunchang seemed incapable of doing it himself. As for the wine, well, it was the traditional manner of consuming wine back in China. He had never quite adjusted to this new way of drinking it from tiny glasses with only a minimum amount of consumption permitted. It was only a small bowl, though, not like one that "True, drinking wine from a bowl is almost as strange a sight as a string of relatives who appear completely identical, wouldn't you say?"