[h3]Toréador En Garde, The Charging Bull of Guan Yu Strikes! And Curious Case for Dorian Grey Approaches![/h3] Dorian Grey gave another light beaming smile to Guan Yu. "It is a fascinating thing is it not?" These polite barbs were the essence of a true Victorian Duel. After all, he was Dorian Grey, a true Victorian Aristocrat, and this match was amusing him. However, as he made his comment he noticed two things. One, that a lady went to the refreshment stands herself. That, was unacceptable! As a Victorian Gentleman he would have to fix up that mistake, and find the gentleman who sat next to her and so rudely didn't inquire what the lady wanted to get and bring it to her. But Guan Yu had made his remark, and he could not inquire upon the damsel until he had finished his conversation and politely left. "Well Mister Yu, it would be strange if relatives [i]did not[/i] look similar. But I digress." Dorian Grey gave a small bow towards Guan Yu, "While I have enjoyed our conversation, I am not at the liberty to keep up conversations solely with you. Though I assure you, we shall chat again soon. With that, I bid you fair well." Dorian Grey gave a wave to Guan Yu before turning on his heels and exiting the room. As a true gentleman, Mister Grey knew that it would be most befitting if he were to find the hostess of this little event, so she could do a proper greeting, introducing the two together. After all, that was the proper role of the hostess. However, this issue was an urgent one, and he could not find such a hostess. As long as the orient remained at the table, and did not know about proper Victorian values, he would be able to get away with this [i]little[/i] diversion from how things should be. Or more to the point, that any other proper Fables saw what he was doing. Oh well, he supposed it had to be done. Dorian Grey deftly maneuvered through the various individuals gathered for the party, and made his way to Bianca who was away from the crowd. "Excuse me." Mister Grey chirped up, "When I was engaged in a bit of chatter with the dear fellow with the beard, I noticed that you happened to retrieve a drink. Of course I would've offered to do fetch such a drink, but it would have been rude if I left my conversation with him in the middle of it. But still I humbly apologize for that. But I must inquire, was there any gentleman sitting next to you who didn't offer to fetch you what you desired? It would be a rather curious case if not, and let me assure you that such cases shouldn't happen often." "Oh, yes. If I may inquire, what is your name?"