[color=deepskyblue][b]Jessica[/b][/color] [color=gray][b]Thompson[/b][/color] [@GummyCat] Jessica laughed. A sparkling, sweet laugh that would turn many guy's heads. He thought Finn was her boyfriend. [i]That's hilarious[/i] she thought. But she might as well run with it. Until she knew who this guy was, the less he knew, the better. "How'd you know? Are you a telepath or something?" she asked sarcastically. His multicolored eyes revealed that he was a Gifted but definitely not a telepath. "So do you come here often? This is my first time here myself," she said, smiling as she lied through her teeth. [color=deepskyblue][b]Finn[/b][/color] [color=red][b]Lockhart[/b][/color] [@Inertia] Finn watched as Jessica flirted with the man and became so enthralled with the scene that he didn't notice that he'd drained his Dr.Pepper glass dry. He slid out of the booth and walked over to the bar where Seth was working. "Hey, Seth? Could I get another Dr.Pepper? I'd go for something stronger on account of the day but the laws of New York still prohibit such a thing on account of my age and therefore I've resigned myself to soda." Finn asked his fellow gifted, leaning up against the bar and smirking.