Upon him asking if she had ever met Bruce Wayne she shook her head no. Unfortunately she never had the honor of meeting him but knew of him through her job and press releases and the sort. But to say those are accurate is anything but the truth. At his mention of going back to bartending she gave him a bright grin, “When you do let me know so I can stop by; hopefully by then you’ll learn to call me Abbie instead of Miss Dent.” The night was rather pleasant; the blonde socialized and laughed a lot. Though she didn’t find herself drinking as much as she thought she would. For some reason any time she’d start towards the bar to get a drink, someone would start talking to her; which she, of course, would entertain them. Dick also seemed to be paying more attention to her than she expected. Maybe it was something to do with the fact that she was the first person he had met and he might be more comfortable around her than others. Something like that right? The party was fun and people were slowly excusing themselves due to exhaustion. Everyone was polite enough to stop at her and say good bye which seemed to encourage Dick to be around her more and more. How cute, he must be shy. They were laughing as they walked off the dance floor before they started in the direction of the bar. Dick seemed to sober up but man, she really wanted a drink. She started to guide them towards the bar with a smiled at his question. “No, no sponsors. Like a lot of people here; most of my money is from my family. I have less than most people here but that doesn’t mean that I can’t have fun.” She shrugged her small shoulders as they arrived at the bar. “My dad works hard for his money which is why I got my own job. I don’t…” She pushed her eyebrows together as she leaned against the bar, placing her arms on top of it and resting her palms on her biceps. “I don’t like the idea of people getting used for their money but my dad is rather insistent that while he’s away I get to play.” Another shrug rose and fell her shoulders. “I haven’t see him face to face in a while, he’s always on the move. But we speak on the phone almost every day.” Shaking her head slightly she looked back at him with a smile. “I hope you’ve made some friends here tonight; being up at that manor could turn out very lonely if you don’t have anyone to talk to. By the way, in case you didn’t see it, my number was on the invitation in case you ever needed someone to talk to.” When the bartender arrived she turned to him. “A strawberry martini please.” She said with a smile before looking back at him. “Are you going to be okay enough to drive home?” At that, an older couple arrived to them and gave Abbie quick hugs of good bye before she turned her attention back to Dick. “If you don’t feel like you’re okay enough to drive home I took a car here, I could drive you home then just get a car back.”