What happened after he left the resturant was a blur to him, he assumed that Sentinel would have decked Lobo and that would've been it, he instead was racing around the area, into the parking garage that was big enough to house a spaceship. He saw the alien lock into his ship, too far away to stop Hob from taking off he instead turned to pelting chunks of asphalt at the ship, each piece being infused with kinetic energy making them blow up like small grenades. It did little to the ship except scratch the paint. Watching as the ship took off into flight made him furious, thinking of ways to catch up. What if he ran vertically up the closest really tall building, he'd have to move almost half a mile, but he probably could do it. However, before he could react he saw a disturbance in the airwaves close to the alien ship, switching to infrared he could directly make it out who it was that caused it. Wonder Woman. The League was here. The Amazonian imobolized Hob's ship and dove into it, getting the little alien out and putting him in cuffs. While he was happy that Hob was caught, he felt a chill down his spine as the red streak passed him and he instantly felt the incredible amount of energy that Barry Allen, The Flash, possessed. Barry was the one he liked the least of all the other speedsters. Guy always thought too highly of himself, like he was the one who could go toe to toe with Superman. [i]Even if he would be correct..[/i] Rufus thought with a sigh. He knew that if he would regroup with his team, he would end up having to talk with Flash, and there were few things he liked less than that. Instead, he made his way directly to the tower, where he got changed and had a quick workout. He gathered that they had been unsuccesful in beating Lobo, which running their odds in his head, he figured they wouldn't have had any of to begin with. 2,000 push ups in, he heard the team arriving, he had only been in the tower for maybe ten minutes, hitting the shower he got changed into his civilian clothes that were compused of some ripped jeans, a Nevada T-shirt, converse shoes and his $40 wristwatch. He got into the meeting hall, sitting down to get the full scoop on the mission. He didn't quite realize how bad it had been. His analysis of Sentinel's powers were off, he overestimated the Kryptonian. Rufus thought he was a lot stronger, but far more in control than he was, kind of like the other second generation Kryptonian that worked in Superman's image. He took Rose's orders seriously. She wanted them to forget being titans for the night, and instead just be teens. He took them a little too serious. He wasn't a regular teen, he was more responsible when it came to being a hero than anyone else with his powers. Without saying a word to the others, he sped off into the city. He needed to blow off some speed. He wasn't the Flash who basked in the glory of people thanking him for his heroics. He didn't care if people knew who he was, what he could do or what he had done. He only cared about getting results. With each step he took he felt himself going faster, the lights vanishing as he passed them by, the cars moving slow enough to practically be standing still. He was running as fast as he could for a good 10 minutes, with each step he got more and more pissed. And the madder he got the more he pushed himself, generating more energy to move even quicker. But soon he felt his legs give in, his muscles were sore, stopping he skidded to a halt, falling and hitting the sand, bouncing in the sand twice before he stopped, catching himself on his hands and feet he sled a few more inches before coming to a complete stop in the white sand. [i]Wait, sand?[/i] Turning around he could see the bright lights in the distance. He had crossed the state, he was in Vegas. The bright lights surprised him. He had never gone that fast before. Looking at his feet he found his shoes being all but burnt to a crisp, a scoff escaped his lips. Regular people get runners high, but when you move thousands of times as quick as a car, that concept becomes irrelevant. Yet, he sat in the sand and couldn't help but feel pleased with himself. He thought about Vegas, and how he had last been here. His dad used to take him here back when he was a kid every summer. It was in Vegas he discovered his powers for the first time, stealing some money from a drunk who had won lots at the casino by counting cards. [i]What idiot couldn't count cards?[/i]. He had used the money to buy pizza for himself. [i] Pizza would be nice.[/i] In another 20 minutes he would arrive at the Titans Tower, barefeet and carrying ten boxes of large pizzas fresh from Nevada. If there was one things he knew for sure about his fellow teens, was that no teen didn't like pizza. Getting through the door he would use his phone to hack into the speakers in the tower, making sure all of the titans could hear him. [b]Titans Together! Kitchen Asap.[/b] He was sure Rose wasn't gonna be too happy with him both stealing her phrase, and seemingly doing heroics. But to be frank, she could put a slice in it. As each member of the team would arrive in the kitchen the pizza would be on the table, each carton opened and each pizza sliced. "Figured you guys would be hungry. Anyone care to see if they can beat me in Guitar Hero?" Rufus asked casually, a slice of pepperoni, mushroom and olive pizza in his hand.